(your title) arXiv:xxxx.xxxx [hep-ex] (your name) Physics 56500 – Spring 2018 April, 2018 Physics 56500 Oral Report
(delete this slide) These points are only suggestions – you are not required to address each and every one of them. Nevertheless, they address most of the questions that people would ask or want answers to in a typical short presentation. If you have questions, please ask. I am happy to look at your slides before you present them to give feedback. Make sure your talk can be delivered in 15 minutes! Don’t go over time! Physics 56500 Oral Report April, 2018
Introduction Explain what the physics signature is Explain what is measured Explain what we learn by measuring it Why should we care? Physics 56500 Oral Report April, 2018
Overview of the Measurement Experiment? Energy? Luminosity? Typical number of pileup interactions? Picture of the experimental apparatus? Which parts are used in the analysis? For example, what is the rapidity coverage of the muon chambers? Physics 56500 Oral Report April, 2018
Description of the analysis Motivation for the analysis? What is distinctive about this particular signature? What are the dominant backgrounds? Trigger selection? Offline event selection? Estimates of event yields and sample purity? Physics 56500 Oral Report April, 2018
Description of the analysis More detailed description of the analysis… Are multivariate methods used to classify the event sample? Are jets reconstructed? Are jets tagged for heavy flavor content? Physics 56500 Oral Report April, 2018
Description of the measurement How are the “final numbers” determined? How is the likelihood constructed? (in general terms)… How are systematic uncertainties incorporated into the fit? Physics 56500 Oral Report April, 2018
Results What are the final results? What are the dominant systematic uncertainties? Is the measurement statistics limited or systematics limited? How do the results compare with previous measurements or measurements from competing experiments? How do the results compare with expectations? Physics 56500 Oral Report April, 2018
Conclusions Will this be an important result in the future? Are there alternative analysis methods trying to make similar measurements? What are the prospects for future measurements? Physics 56500 Oral Report April, 2018