Back To School Night VDLHS Wednesday, Jan 17, 2018
Today Introduce myself The class Discipline Contact information
Today If you wish to speak about a specific student, please make an appointment.
About me… Born and Raised in Mexico Las Jicamas, Municipio de Valle de Santiago Guanajuato
About me… Moved to Watsonville CA at 14yo Moved to Soledad CA at 16yo
About me… Moved to Sacramento CA CSUS Engineering Student Major Math Minor Physics
About me… CSUS Met my wife Have a 4year old (he’s 3 on the picture)
The class 2nd class in the engineering pathway, Principles of Engineering (POE) There are a total of 3 engineering classes Intro to Engineering Principles of Engineering Aerospace Engineering
POE Introduces students to the big four Engineering Fields Chemical Civil Electrical Mechanical Multiple hands-on projects for each field of engineering We use VEX robotics equipment
POE The book: Homework There is no book Work not finished in class will be homework
Unit Projects & Engineering Notebook Final Project & Final Exam POE Grading: Weights: A B C D F 100%-90% 89%-80% 79%-70% 69%-60 59%-0% Formative (HW & Quizzes) Unit Tests Unit Projects & Engineering Notebook Final Project & Final Exam 10% 30%
POE Quizzes Tests Formative grade Affect the grade in the 10% category Help students see where more studying needs to be done Tests Summative grade Affect the grade in the 30% category Can be retaken only once after the learning targets sheet has been filled out
POE Finals Two finals, one in March (Midterm) and one in May Each final has two parts, Project and a multiple choice section. Multiple choice is 15% and Final Project is 15% of the overall grade.
POE Late work Retakes and Extra credit Late work is accepted up to 1 week before finals for 80% credit. Retakes and Extra credit No retakes No extra credit
POE Expectations Be safe Be respectful Be on time Be prepared Follow class protocol
POE Academic Dishonesty 1st offence 2nd offence Student will be sent to talk with a Assistant Principal You will be contacted If the student completes the Saturday School & the SS assignment about honesty: May retake the test but will be considered late (50%) 2nd offence Student will receive a zero, without a chance to make up
POE Students that make poor choices 1st violation: Verbal warning 2nd violation: If an object is involved student will be asked to hand over or set on teacher’s desk. Student may pick up item after class. Non-item related; students will speak with teacher after class. 3rd violation: If an object is involved student will be asked to hand over and item will be sent to the office. Parent may pick up item at front office. Non-item related; students will speak with Assistant pricipal.
To contact me
Thank you… Consider helping the class by taking donating; Hand sanitizer Tissues Gift cards to Home Depot or Dollar Tree Markers