Registration Class of 2020 Updated 1/14/19
Online Registration Visit the Guidance Office website: Registration guide Registration Instructions Registration Time: OPENS: Wed., Jan. 16 CLOSES: Wed., Jan. 30
Check List Check off required courses you have passed If you have failed a required class you must make it up before graduation.
RECOMMENDED FOR STUDENTS WHO SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED AP Lang & Comp English Requirement Option 1 Option 3 Jr/Sr Writing Elective (1 credit) (see next slide for options) English Elective (1 credit) AP English Literature & Composition (3 credits) RECOMMENDED FOR STUDENTS WHO SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED AP Lang & Comp Option 2 Jr/Sr Writing Elective (1 credit) English Elective (1 credit) RECOMMENDED FOR STUDENTS PLANNING TO ATTEND A 4 YEAR COLLEGE & NOT TAKING AP ENGLISH LIT AND COMP *Students must have at least 11 English Credits to graduate
English - Writing Elective Requirement Courses that satisfy the writing requirement: Career Writing (1 tri) good for entering the workforce or attending vocational school Academic Writing Foundation (1 tri) college-bound College Composition (1 tri) highest rigor for college-bound AP Language & Composition (11th grade; full year) AP Literature & Composition (12th grade; full year)
Social Studies Requirement Political Science Requirement Economics Requirement Must choose 1: Political Science (1 tri) OR U of M CIS Govt & Politics (1.5 tri) Prerequisite (Must meet 1 below): Top 20% of graduating class 3.25+ GPA in recent Social Studies Course Teacher permission Must choose 1: Economics (1 tri) OR U of M CIS Macroeconomics (1.5 tri) Prerequisite (Must meet 1 below): Top 20% of graduating class ‘B’ or higher in Algebra II/Trig 3.25+ GPA Teacher permission *CIS Microeconomics is also available. Prerequisite: CIS Macro & top 20% of graduating class OR a ‘B’ or higher in Algebra II w/Trig OR a 3.25 GPA or higher OR teacher permission
Ethnic Studies (New Course – not in Registration Guide – Offered 2019-2020) Course code: 12566 1 trimester, 1 credit Grade: 11-12 Prerequisite: None The main purpose of this course is to educate students to be socially, politically and economically conscious about their personal connections to local and national history. It addresses social justice, social responsibility, and social change. The course spans from past to present, allowing students to identify similar social patterns and universal qualities present in other societies and their own. It also includes an identity section where students consider concepts related to their own personal, group, and/or national identity. The course will explore cultural issues thematically and it will also focus on the experiences of Native Americans, Latinx Americans, African American, and Asian Americans and the LGBTQ community. Students taking this course should be prepared to read thoroughly, think openly, write reflectively, research carefully, and discuss respectfully.
Math Grad requirements: Need credit for: Pre-Calc Intermediate Algebra 1 Geometry Algebra 2 Additional math beyond Algebra 2 is not required. However, some colleges require a 4th year of math. If you decide to take a math course, please talk to your math instructor for a math course recommendation. Senior Yearlong courses include: Pre-Calc AP Calc AB AP Calc BC AP Computer Science AP Stats CIS Multivariable Calc Algebra 3 (Plan to attend Century, not CIS, matches Math 70 at Century) CIS College Algebra
Science Senior Yearlong courses: AP Physics Physics: Grad requirements: Must earn credit for: Earth/Physical Science (3 credits) Biology (3 credits) Chemistry (at minimum 2 credits) Additional science beyond Chem is not required. However, some colleges require/recommend a 4th year of science. Senior Yearlong courses: AP Chem II AP Physics Physics: College bound & majoring in STEM field. Conceptual Physics: College bound & not majoring in STEM field. *Science electives: See pages 37 - 39 in the registration booklet online
Additional Graduation Requirements Art Health/Physical Education Minimum of 2 art courses 4 year college bound students should take 3 art courses College entrance requirements may vary Acceptable “art” credit courses: Art – any course Business – Advertising & Promotions, Web Page Design FACS – Interior Design, Advanced Clothing Tech Ed – Intro to Cabinet Making Music – any course * See page 7 for courses to fulfill Art credits. 4 credits total: Health Phy Ed 9 One Level 2 PE credit (see courses below) one Level 3 PE credit (see courses below) Level 2 Courses Lifetime Activities 1, Aerobic Activities 1, Strength Training for Personal Fitness, Strength Training for Athletes Level 3 Courses Lifetime Activities 2, Aerobic Activities 2, Advanced Strength Training, Team Sports (Fall, Winter, or Spring)
Electives Elective courses are offered in all subject areas: Choose electives that: Art Business Family & Consumer Science Health & Physical Education Language Arts Math Music Science Social Studies Technology Education World Language Align with your interests Fit your abilities Match your career goals Expose you to new subjects
WORLD LANGUAGE College Requirement: If you are planning to attend a 4 year college, many require at least 2 years of the same language, some require 4 years. Some colleges will waive this requirement if you are fluent in speaking, reading, & writing in a language other than English. Please check college requirements. * Students should talk to their World Language instructor for recommendation. * See pages 48 -51.
Many colleges have slightly different requirements. Graduation vs. College Tartan Grad Requirements: 4-Year College Admission Requirements: English: 3 ⅔ years Math: 3 years Social Studies: 3 ⅓ years Science: 2 ⅔ years Arts: ⅔ years World Language: 0 years Health/PE: 1 ⅓ years English: 4 years Math: 3 - 4 years Social Studies: 3 years Science: 3 - 4 years Arts: 1 year World Language: 2 - 4 years Health/PE: 0 years Many colleges have slightly different requirements. Make sure you consider college admission requirements before selecting your courses.
Ways to Earn College Credit in High School Advanced Placement (AP): College in the Schools (CIS): Classes taught at Tartan by Tartan teachers Must take comprehensive final exam at end of school year to be eligible for college credit Each college determines whether to award college credit and what score is needed on exam to earn college credit U of MN-Twin Cities, Century, and University of Iowa classes taught at Tartan by Tartan teachers Grade and college credit is earned and recorded on a permanent college transcript Specific eligibility criteria set by each college
Ways to Earn College Credit in High School Articulated Courses: Post-Secondary Education Options (PSEO): Classes taught at Tartan by Tartan teachers in Business, FACS, and Technology Education Successful completion of course and enrollment after high school at Century College or other approved colleges will result in college credit Classes taught at local colleges by college instructors Each college sets specific admission criteria and admission deadlines Grade and college credit is earned and recorded on a permanent college transcript No transportation provided
Ways to Earn College Credit in High School NE Metro Career & Technical Classes (916): During 1st and 2nd hour Taught by NE Metro teachers Location: Century College Criteria and number of college credits vary by course Credits transfer to select MN colleges as specified by each course Transportation is provided Notified of decision in Spring 2019 Registration forms available in Guidance *Recommended for students in good academic and attendance standing *Limited space, first come basis
YOU MUST REGISTER FOR 18 CREDITS # Credits to register for 18 credits in your schedule Additional 4 alternate courses TA/Office Runner Applications available next school year Zero hour Applications available in the future – listen to the announcements if you are interested in taking a zero hour class
Schedule Changes Qualifies: Does Not Qualify: Medical or physical restriction Teacher recommends moving up or down a level in the same course (based on space and availability of course) Dropping a class for a study hall (or TA or Office Runner) Changing hours Changing teachers Changing lunches Changing electives PLAN YOUR COURSES CAREFULLY, THERE WILL BE LITTLE OR NO OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE CHANGES IN THE FALL
NCAA Eligibility If you are planning to participate in NCAA athletics at the college level, please refer to the NCAA website for specific eligibility information Talk to your counselor and coaches for more information
Senior Course Load Requirements Must be enrolled in at least 5 class periods out of the day May apply for a TA or Office Runner position for 1 of those 5 class periods Of the 6 class period, Only 1 period may be used for: study hall OR early release, OR late arrival IT IS TO YOUR EDUCATIONAL ADVANTAGE TO BE ENROLLED IN SIX CLASSES EVERY TRIMESTER