High School Graduation Requirements
Future Ready Core ~Course of Study~ English 4 Math 4 Science 3 Social Studies 4 Healthful Living 1 Art 1 Concentration 4 Electives 7 TOTAL 28
Future Ready Core ~ Occupational Course of Study ~ English 4 Math 3 Science 2 Social Studies 2 Occupational Preparation 6 Healthful Living 1 Concentration 4 Electives 6 TOTAL 28
Promotion Requirements To be promoted to the 10th grade: Earn 6 units of credit To be promoted to the 11th grade: Earn 13 units of credit Must include English 1 To be promoted to the 12th grade: Earn 20 units of credit Must include English 2
** English course offerings may vary by school English I/Honors English II/Honors English III/Honors/AP Language English IV/Honors/AP Literature ** English course offerings may vary by school
Mathematics Math 1 Math 2/Honors Math 3/Honors An advanced math
Science Earth Science/Honors/AP Biology/Honors A physical science Chemistry/Honors Physics/Honors
Social Studies World History/Honors Civics and Economics/Honors American History 1/Honors/AP American History 2/Honors/AP
Health & PE All students must successfully complete this course in order to receive a high school diploma.
Arts Education All students must successfully complete an Arts Education course in order to receive a high school diploma. *Arts Education courses vary based on school ** Not required for Occupational Course of Study
**Concentration offerings vary by school Advanced Placement Excludes AP courses that meet other graduation requirements Arts Discipline Must include a level 2 course Career & Technical Education Minimum of 3 Foundational and 1 Enhancement courses *Foundation course must be a Capstone course College Courses (College Promise) JROTC English, Math, Science or Social Studies Excludes courses that meet other graduation requirements World Language **Concentration offerings vary by school
Electives 8 electives credits (excluding concentration) 2 of the electives must come from one of the following: CTE, Arts or World Language
Online Student Course Registration PowerSchool Registration Online Tutorial Step-by-step instructions Go to https://pitt.powerschool.com/public/home/html Using student login & password - sign into PowerSchool Select “Class Registration” on left-hand side of screen To select courses, select the “pencil” icon “Pencil” icon opens up the course options for that academic area Select your desired course and click “ok” Complete the same process for your academic courses, electives and alternates If you have completed the registration process correctly, a “green” check will appear in the top right corner for each subject. Once you’ve completed all subjects, Click “submit” Then your list of courses will appear along with your alternates Lastly your counselor will meet with each individual student to ensure you have selected the correct courses