Health Care Administration Welcome Health Care Administration Students NOTE TO PRESENTER: Remember that this orientation does NOT need to be conducted in a computer lab. You are providing information ABOUT available resources, setting expectations about online learning, and the importance of completing the online orientation. You will be assigning “homework” and directing students to activities that they can complete before classes begin. ** Breaking News: Online Orientation begins August 23rd! Classes begin August 29th! **
You have chosen to become part of an elite group Congratulations! You’re taking the next step to advance your education by earning a degree You have chosen to become part of an elite group Set the tone by getting students jazzed about continuing their education!
How Online Learning Is the Same Many aspects of online learning are the SAME as attending school in a traditional classroom.
Instructor and Classmates Look at this article! Any questions? I didn’t understand. Let’s discuss! Each course has an instructor and students. Have the students look around the room. They will have classes together!! Instructor Students
Books will arrive before classes begin Student’s House Their courses will use textbooks. The Books will be delivered to the their house via UPS by the first day of class. If students have a PO Box, it will take much longer for the books to be delivered. NOTE TO PRESENTER: Have your Office Manager run a full report of your HCA students. Pass around the report and have the students mark any corrections to their phone number, mailing address and personal email address. Tell them that this is important information so that their books arrive on time to the right place!! If books are delayed…remind students NOT TO PANIC!! The first two readings that they need are located within their courses on the syllabus! The first two reading assignments of each course are available in the syllabus
Same access to campus resources Student Services Financial Aid Tutoring Remind students that they can still use your campus resources. They know you, and you’re still there for them!!
You can utilize the Student Services in both the ground and online campuses.
Shanel Oliver Program Director “Don’t sit there forever trying to figure something out. If you don’t understand something, call me!” “I want to help students succeed!” Write down Shanel’s name, phone number, and email address. Introduce Shanel Oliver as their program director. She is available for students both day and evening. (520) 437-1577
How Online Learning Is Different
Access anywhere at any time Students do NOT need to be online at any particular time. They can work on their courses when and where it’s convenient for them…however…with that freedom….
Online learning requires Schedule regular time in your week for course work as if it is a classroom class It helps manage time. Online learning requires self-discipline …they need to be self-disciplined. Online courses are NOT independent study. There will be due dates for assignments, discussions and projects, and they will be moving through the courses AS A GROUP!!! A helpful tip is to set aside regularly scheduled time to do course work. It signals to family and friends that “class is in session.”
Career PMI Classes Family Career Family Assignments Papers Projects Taking classes online can add some flexibility to help students balance their busy lives. Assignments Papers Projects
The right “supplies” before school begins You must have a reliable computer and internet connection Run the System Check! Make sure students have the RIGHT equipment BEFORE classes begin!!
What is your Plan B? Questions to Answer… Make Sure You… What will you do if your computer goes on the fritz? What would you do if you lost power? Make Sure You… Notify Shanel when technical difficulties occur Have Shanel’s phone number in your cell phone Add Danielle to this slide too?
What to Do Before Online Orientation This is HOMEWORK!!
Check out the Online Student Center Note to Presentor: You can explore the Online Student Center too.
Program Success Tips
Do you have any questions? Ready, Set, Go! Remember that you are not alone Do you have any questions? They can contact you or online at Remember, we have only ONE phone line. Encourage students to use Help Desk for technical support. We monitor that SEVEN days a week!!
Online Orientation begins Thursday, August 23rd
Courses begin Wednesday, August 29th