Collegial Process at the State Level


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Presentation transcript:

Collegial Process at the State Level Dolores Davison, ASCCC Vice President Ginni May, ASCCC Treasurer John Stanskas, ASCCC President Fall Plenary Session, November 1, 2018

Overview Ed Code, Title 5, Standing Orders Regular Order Meeting with Chancellor’s Office Regular Order Board of Governors Appointment of faculty Others Consultation Council The Role of 5C

Ed Code, Title 5 Regulations, Standing Orders

(a) An Academic Senate for the California Community Colleges has been established through ratification by local academic senates or faculty councils so that the community college faculty of California may have a formal and effective procedure for participating in the formation of state policies on academic and professional matters. (b) The Board of Governors recognizes the Academic Senate of the California Community Colleges as the representative of community college academic senates or faculty councils before the Board of Governors and Chancellor's Office. Title 5 §53206 – Academic Senate for California Community Colleges Role of the ASCCC

Academic Senate and Board of Governors (a) Consistent with the intent of 53206 of title 5 of the California Code of Regulations, the Board of Governors recognizes The Academic Senate of the California Community Colleges as the representative of community college faculty on academic and professional matters. (b) The appointment of faculty to councils, committees, and task forces established in conjunction with Consultation to deal with academic and professional matters on the systemwide level shall be made by the Academic Senate; provided, however, that where such councils, committees, or task forces established in conjunction with Consultation have organizational representatives, these representatives shall be appointed by the respective organizations.

Academic Senate and Board of Governors (c) The Academic Senate, in conjunction with the Chancellor and designated staff, will initiate and/or respond to requests to develop policy on academic and professional matters. The identification of such matters will be made by the Chancellor, in consultation with the Consultation Council. Throughout the Consultation Process, the advice and judgment of The Academic Senate will be primarily relied upon whenever the policy involves an academic and professional matter. In providing this advice and judgment, The Academic Senate is committed to engage and consider the views of participants in Consultation, the affected community college constituencies, the general public, and other comments and concerns the Chancellor is legally required to consider. Procedures and Standing Orders of the Board of Governors September 2013, Section 332

The Law—Education Code Board of Governors shall establish "minimum standards" and local governing boards shall "establish procedures not inconsistent" with those standards to ensure the following: Faculty, staff and students the right to participate effectively in district and college governance The right of academic senates to assume primary responsibility for making recommendations in the areas of curriculum and academic standards. Education Code Sections 70901 and 70902 Note—academic senates, not faculty. It is the AS when not specifically naming the bargaining agent.

Title 5 Terminology: Effective Participation Participating effectively in district and college governance is shared involvement in the decision- making process. It does not imply total agreement; The same level of involvement by all is not required; and Final decisions rest with the board. Title 5 Terminology: Effective Participation

Title 5 Terminology: Effective Participation What does that mean at the state level? Accreditation, Curriculum and Ed. Policy all invite other stakeholders to join committee We invite all stakeholder groups to attend plenary sessions and other institutes We invite liaisons to Executive Committee meetings Title 5 Terminology: Effective Participation

Regular Order

BoG Policy on Consultation The Consultation Process shall have as its purposes to: (a)  assist the Board of Governors in its statutory roles; (b)  enhance the effectiveness of the colleges in achieving their established mission; (c)  improve trust, communication, and mutual understanding between the systemwide governing body and the districts and institutions; (d)  provide a structure for collaborative leadership that aims to maximize a sense of shared vision and common purpose within the California Community Colleges; and, (e)  make educational decisions which are in the best interests of the students, the system, and the State.

Consultation Council - Representation Institutional Representatives 2 CEOs 2 faculty ASCCC 2 students SSCCC 1 CBO 1 CSSO 1 CIO 1 ACHRO 1 trustee Organizational Representatives 1 ACCCA 1 CTA 1 CFT 1 CCCI 1 CSEA 1 CCLC 1 FACCC 1 CFT/CCE (Council of Classified Employees) 1 CCCAOE

Consultation Council - Function Agenda items for Consultation Council Review of BoG items Provide input on policy discussion How Consultation Council is working now Consultation Council - Function

Meeting with the Chancellor & CO President meets approximately once per month in person with the Chancellor and Deputy Chancellor Meet with Executive Vice Chancellors, Vice Chancellors, Deans and Staff Culture of the CO now Meeting with the Chancellor & CO

How the BoG is Currently Working President and Vice President attend BoG Public comment on agenda items Respond to requests from the BoG How the BoG is Currently Working Board of Governors

Working with System Partners Guided Pathways: CLP, RP, CO Minimum Qualifications and MWC: CCCAOE, CO, Apprenticeship Council Curriculum: CIOs, CO PT Faculty Professional Development: 3CSN Faculty Diversification: CIOs, CCLC, CO Working with System Partners

Working with External Stakeholders ICAS: UC, CSU LAO, DoF, Governor’s Office, Legislative Staff Campaign for College Opportunity Professional Lobbying Organizations Working with External Stakeholders

The Role of 5C

California Community Colleges Curriculum Committee (5C) Voting Members Resource Members 8 faculty representatives appointed by the ASCCC 1 ACCE representative 1 CTE Administrator 4 representatives appointed by the Chief Instructional Officers 1 Chancellor's Office Legal Counsel staff Leadership 2 Chancellor's Office representatives - Dean of Curriculum and Instruction, Vice Chancellor of Educational Services Co-chairs: 1 from ASCCC and 1 from the CIOs 1 curriculum specialist appointed by CCC Classified Senate (4CS) California Community Colleges Curriculum Committee (5C)

In response to Recommendation 1 In response to Recommendation 1.5 from the 2004 Review of System Office, the Curriculum Advisory Committee met in 2004 and 2005 and established the System Advisory Committee on Curriculum (SACC).  From 2005 – 2016, SACC served as the primary advisory body for curriculum matters in the state, In 2016, in order to fully address all aspects of Recommendation 1.5, SACC became the California Community Colleges Curriculum Committee (CCCCC, or 5C)  5C is a recommending body that provides policy, guidance, and policy guidance on all matters related to curriculum, including creation, implementation and endorsement of curriculum through the California Community College system. 5C – History

5C – Purpose and Responsibility Makes recommendations and provides guidance to the Chancellor’s Office on local and regional implementation of curriculum policy and regulations throughout the California Community College system, including general education, workforce, & development education programs in credit, non-credit and not-for-credit areas. 5C – Purpose and Responsibility

5C – Purpose and Responsibility Responsible for the development and revision of All Title 5 regulations related to Curriculum and Instruction The PCAH The Baccalaureate Degree Handbook and all other recommendations that require approval by the Board of Governors. In formulating its recommendations to the Board of Governors, the 5C shall consult with all appropriate constituencies, and shall rely primarily on the advice and judgment of the Academic Senate. 5C – Purpose and Responsibility

5C – Purpose and Responsibility Advises the Chancellor’s Office on state- level curriculum certification processes to ensure quality, integrity, compliance, collaboration, flexibility, timeliness, and transparency, while putting the needs of students first.  Works with the Chancellor’s Office to ensure that all levels of local and regional curricular design and approval is faculty- led and driven by identified student need.  Advises the Chancellor’s Office on training programs for colleges and districts regarding submission of curriculum to the Chancellor’s Office.  5C – Purpose and Responsibility

5C – Decision Making and Recommendations Recommendations to the Board of Governors, to the Chancellor through Consultation, and to the Vice Chancellor of Educational Services.  Every effort to reach consensus when making decisions – if consensus is not reached, then decisions shall be made by vote of the voting membership.   Recommendations will be sent forward in the following order: Recommendations to the Vice Chancellor of Educational Services for action, legal interpretation, research, or other support as needed; Recommendations to the Chancellor through Consultation Recommendations that require Board of Governors approval   5C – Decision Making and Recommendations