George W. Dunne Cook County Office Building


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Presentation transcript:

George W. Dunne Cook County Office Building Life Safety Preparations & Guidelines

George W. Dunne Cook County Office Building Objectives Ensure that all tenants understand the Life Safety features in the building and how they interact with each other. To share with all tenants an overview of the roles for the life safety teams. To provide tenants with the opportunity to address any life safety concerns.

George W. Dunne Cook County Office Building Life Safety Systems Console Alarm Panel Alarm Monitoring Services Sprinkler Systems Smoke Detectors Voice Communication System Strobe Lights / Speakers Stairwell Phones / Fire Panel Phones Door Unlocking Systems

George W. Dunne Cook County Office Building MONITORED 24 HOURS A DAY BY ON SITE PERSONEL


George W. Dunne Cook County Office Building Alarm Monitoring Service 24 Hour Alarm Monitoring Notifies staff of system …….issues Calls 911 in the event of an alarm

George W. Dunne Cook County Office Building Sprinkler Heads Activates when temp reaches 155 °F 99% of fires are put out when active Please do not hang anything from them No items within 18” of the ceiling Plate drops off Only sprinklers in local area will activate

George W. Dunne Cook County Office Building Smoke Detectors Activation will not cause sprinklers to go off Hairspray Unattended Cooking Dust

George W. Dunne Cook County Office Building Voice and Visual Communication System Strobes will flash to indicate incoming message

George W. Dunne Cook County Office Building Stairwell Emergency Phone Communication Calls are logged so that even when multiple are sent at same time we can view location. Will not hear a dial tone when picked up. Please wait for officer to answer. Located every 5th floor.

George W. Dunne Cook County Office Building Door Unlocking System Stairwell Unlocking System Activates During Emergencies City of Chicago Code Requirement Activated by: Sprinkler Water Flow Smoke Detector Loss of Power Can be Manually Activated from Lobby

George W. Dunne Cook County Office Building Building Emergency Preparedness Teams Office of the Building Tenant Floor Wardens Assistant Floor Wardens Searchers Elevator Monitors Stairwell Monitors Persons with Disabilities Aides Fire Safety Director Deputy Fire Safety Directors Engineering Staff Security Staff

George W. Dunne Cook County Office Building Tenant Emergency Preparedness Teams Floor Warden / Assistant Floor Warden Responsible for organizing his/her emergency team members and making ….sure emergency procedures are carried out correctly. Appoints personnel to the emergency team and fills vacant positions. Supervises the activity and training of all key emergency team members.  Responsible for the evacuation of floor personnel. Searcher Checks all rooms including rest rooms, conference rooms, reception areas, …. and remote areas, closing but not locking all doors behind them. Evacuates non-employees found on the floor. Stairwell Monitor Inspects stairwells for possible heat or smoke conditions before evacuation. Instructs personnel to form single file lines into the stairwell and directs personnel to exit along the right side of the stairwell. Limits items such as coffee mugs and luggage from entering stairwell. Does NOT prohibit any individual even if viewed as having mobility issues.

George W. Dunne Cook County Office Building Building Emergency Preparedness Teams Elevator Monitor Directs employees to the nearest stairway. Instructs individuals getting off elevator to evacuate. Must be familiar with the building evacuation plan and the location of all ….stairways.  CFD Office Building Evacuation Plans

George W. Dunne Cook County Office Building Area of Rescue Self Identification done in 14th ….. floor badging Office Located on every floor adjacent ….. to the South East stairwell CFD will search these areas and ….. assist anyone present Unless in immediate danger, …… wait outside of stairwell …… …… landing. Once crowds have diminished, …… aid will assist with moving …… …… behind second door into …… …… stairwell.

George W. Dunne Cook County Office Building Chicago Fire Department Response Upon arrival CFD will take control of the building Provided Floor (Massey) plans and Keys Determines if further Evacuation is needed Conducts a Top to Bottom Search Treats and Transports Extinguishes the Fire

C.A.L.M. Call 911 first. Every minute counts. George W. Dunne Cook County Office Building Chicago Fire Department Response C.A.L.M. Call 911 first. Every minute counts. Alert building management, security, engineering ….and your co-workers. Listen to safety instructions transmitted over the …. ….speakers. Move to safety and evacuate if you are in danger.

George W. Dunne Cook County Office Building Types of Emergency Drills Relocation: “Don’t do the math. Always listen to instructions” “Rules of 8” are used for initial relocation Floor with emergency relocates 8 floors down Two floors above emergency relocates 8 floors down Five floors below the emergency relocates 8 floors down All floors 12 and below relocate to the first floor and out of the ….building to assembly area Don’t ever go up unless in Lower Level/Pedway which relocates …. to the first floor and exits out of the building

George W. Dunne Cook County Office Building Types of Emergency Drills Shelter in Place: “Shelter-in-place” means taking refuge in an interior …… room or area with the floor, away from windows. Floor Wardens will provide each floor’s Shelter Location Listen to the Voice Communication System at all times Do not leave sheltered area until an “All Clear” is given

George W. Dunne Cook County Office Building Types of Emergency Drills Full Evacuation (Not Drilled): Full evacuation is used when more than one floor is …….effected Listen to the voice communication system at all times Form a single line to evacuate down to Lobby Level CFD will be traveling up stairwell and will need a path Never use elevator unless told to do so by CFD NEVER evacuate up unless in Lower Level/Pedway Tenants should meet at pre-determined assembly areas

George W. Dunne Cook County Office Building Medical Response Call 911 first Give dispatcher detailed description of situation Stay on the line until instructed otherwise Inform Security as soon as it is safe Call 312-603-0400 When Security arrives Will bring first aid kit and Automatic External … … … … … Defibrillator Will ask everyone to step away for privacy Other staff members will expedite EMT arrival to … … … location Staff are CPR certified annually

George W. Dunne Cook County Office Building Automatic External Defibrillator Locations Front Security Console Freight Elevator (First Responder) Pedway between Escalators 14th Floor outside Command Dock 3rd Floor Mechanical Spaces 36th Floor Storage Spaces

George W. Dunne Cook County Office Building Prohibited Items Space Heaters Toaster Ovens Electrical Holiday Decorations left on after hours Grills Outside of Designated Kitchen / Break room Toasters Coffee Pots Microwaves Please remain with food at all times Restricted items will be confiscated and held ….for only 30 days before disposal

Active aggressor Options

Keep your hands visible Prevent individuals from entering Call 911 when it is safe

Reduce noise such as radios Use as many layers of protection as possible Turn off lights Call 911 (open line/leave phone on)

Commit to your actions Aggressor expects to be in control

When Law Enforcement Arrives How you Should React to Them Remain calm, and follow officers’ instructions Immediately raise hands and spread fingers Keep hands visible at all times Avoid making quick movements toward officers Avoid pointing, screaming and yelling Do not stop to ask officers for help. Just proceed in the direction from which officers are entering Information You Should Provide Number and type of weapons held by with aggressor(s) Number of potential victims at the location Number of aggressors if more than one Location of aggressor(s) Physical description of aggressor(s)