COMPUTER Engineering By: Joaquin Maldonado
Which professional society does it belong to? Can you join as a student? Yes, its possible to Join as student IEEE a.k.a Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers. They belong to the ieee computer society.
The Field Can Be Define as: There’s a Difference? Computer Engineers: Hardware Computer Science: Software A discipline that combines several fields of electrical engineering and computer science required to develop a computer. The Field Can Be Define as: People tend to get confused with both computer engineering and computer science…well I did. I didn’t really know the difference until I read chapter 2 in that book. The difference is that computer engineers are more focused on the hardware and the computer scientists are focused on software. Computer engineers know at least a little computer science and electrical engineering. For example, let’s say a computer engineer dude has some kind of project, well the computer engineer’s ability to deliver the appropriate hardware depends on his understanding of the computer scientists software requirements. As a result he also participates in the development of the software. Like he would probably create his own software so it can support the computer scientist’s program. Now same thing with the computer science people, to deliver a usable software would depend on their knowledge of hardware.. So they like do a lot of crossover..
How many and What schools offer this engineering field? Amarillo College DeVry University-Texas Trinity Valley Community College University of Houston-Clear Lake University of Houston-Downtown University of Houston LeTourneau University University of North Texas The University of Texas-Pan American Prairie View A & M University St. Marys University Southern Methodist University Texas State Technical College Waco Texas A & M University The University of Texas at Arlington The University of Texas at Dallas The University of Texas at El Paso The University of Texas at San Antonio Texas Southern University Texas Tech University Tyler Junior College South Texas College Well Texas has a lot of school with engineering programs but I don’t want to make it more boring I search up the accredited computer engineering schools. I found 23 of them as you can see!
Math & Science Hours needed University of Texas , there is a student chapter of the professional society Yes Math & Science Hours needed Math- hrs. Science- hrs. 14 Industry electrical and electronics computer society. Had trouble finding the graduating data off this school.. I saw this from one of those requirements so had to count like count every math and science classes.. But I counted the enginner classes you need 32 hours.. 11 Engineering Hours needed hrs. 32
Starting Salaries For Engineers 2009-2011, but I did find some info that said that computer engineer starting salary is the highest one than other engineering majors.
Degrees Engineer. That were awarded @ U.T Degrees Awarded 2008-2010 08-09 yrs. & 09-10yrs …had trouble finding data
The Outlook for this Field Employment is expected to increase 9% from 2010-2020 Job applicants with a degree from an ABET-accredited program have better chances Houston Chronicle Jobs Data Base On the chronicle website for yesterday it pop up 239 out those 24 were engineering….on there were more than a 1000 jobs and out those jobs there were 135 engineering jobs. …. The employment is only going to increase 9% from 2010-2020. people who have and enginnering degree from an ABET accredit program would have better chances of finding a job…as right now engineers who have a higher-level degree and knowledge or experience with computer software will have the best job prospects. A limited number of engineers will be needed to meet the demand for new computer hardware because more of the innovation in computers now takes place with software than with hardware. 1000+ 135- Engineering 239 Jobs 24-Engineering
Computer Engineering is the discipline I chose because I find it interesting and want to learn more about it. I found out that it belongs to a professional society called IEEE. This engineering can be defined as more about the hardware than actually designing software but in some cases they have to build software to support their hardware. UT is the college I m shooting for. I want to study my major there. At UT they have student chapter society called IEEE computer society. Starting salary for this discipline is one of the highest one out there - near $60,000. The outlook for this discipline is not great, but not bad. Employment would increase by 9% from 2010-2020. Summary
References Graduating Data IEE membership info IEE membership info “Studying Engineer “ Raymond B. Landis (book) Helped with defining the field Helped find computer engineer accredit schools Math &+Science + Engineer Hrs. Student chapters info Jobs search + Houston Chronicle Job OutLook