Post Results - Year 10 & 11 If you feel there is an error in your result please discuss it with a member of Staff. Check your total UMS Score! Are you close to the higher or lower boundary (SEE REVERSE) Close to Higher Boundary e.g 158/200 UMS Close to Lower Boundary e.g 142/200 UMS Consider Remark or clerical check or getting script returned Do not consider remark or clerical check as marks and grades could go down! Consider getting a return of script to check, however teachers may not be available to go through this. Complete the Post Results Services form available on the website, studywiz or from Mrs Allen. (outside her office) Please check the deadlines carefully You will be notified by Phone or Email.
GCSE Level UMS BOUNDARIES Grade 200 UMS 300 UMS 400 A* 180 270 360 A 160 240 320 B 140 210 280 C 120 D 100 150 E 80 F 60 90 G 40 U 39 59 79 Most GCSE’s levels are marked out of either 200, 300 or 400 UMS. You must check your UMS carefully before you decide on a remark. If you have 143/200 UMS in Business Studies then you are too close the B boundary to consider a remark or clerical check. You need to be closer to the higher grade boundary to consider a remark in one of your units.