Obj: To understand the Promotion aspect of the Marketing Mix. 18th May 2009 Obj: To understand the Promotion aspect of the Marketing Mix. Learning outcomes – E: Define ‘above the line’ and ‘below the line’ promotion. C: Explain promotion strategies and give examples of when they may be used. A: Evaluate a suitable form of promotional strategy for a business.
Informing customers of the product and encouraging them to buy. What is promotion? Informing customers of the product and encouraging them to buy. They can do this through: Below the line promotion – short term advertising aimed at consumers, e.g. BOGOF, coupons, POS displays. Above the line promotion – advertising through media, e.g. television, radio, posters.
Below the line: Sales Promotion: Public Relations: Sponsorship: Price reductions, e.g. January sales. Added value, e.g. 30% extra free. Gifts, e.g. £20 note in a bag of crisps. Point of sale, e.g. large display of the product in store. Competitions and prize draws. Merchandising, e.g. t-shirts, pencil cases for new films. Public Relations: Releasing stories to the newspaper and other media. Sponsorship: E.g. Football teams and Television programmes.
TASK: 5 minutes Which sales promotional strategy would you recommend for the following situations? Give reasons for your choice: A well-known jeans maker is ready to launch a new style of jeans, though it has a lot of old stock left. Smell It Cosmetics wants to promote its deodorant range which has not sold as many as expected. Eatdat Cheese wants to promote its new cheese that it is trying to sell in large supermarkets. Williams Cars feels that its new model is not selling as well as expected and it needs ideas on sales promotion. A famous baked bean manufacturer feels it is time to remind customers what a good product it makes, as sales have fallen slightly.
Above the line: Advertising: Informative – give information about the product without persuading them to buy. Persuasive – provides more than the general information, it makes the viewer think they must have this product or use this service. Generic – an advert for an industry not just a particular product.
Complete the worksheet provided. TASK: 20 minutes Complete the worksheet provided.
Obj: To understand the Promotion aspect of the Marketing Mix. 18th May 2009 Obj: To understand the Promotion aspect of the Marketing Mix. Learning outcomes – E: Define ‘above the line’ and ‘below the line’ promotion. C: Explain promotion strategies and give examples of when they may be used. A: Evaluate a suitable form of promotional strategy for a business.