WELCOME TO CENTENNIAL Programming Evening for Parents
AGENDA Welcome and Introductions General Programming Information The Programming Process The Graduation Process -external course credits & course challenge -factors to consider when selecting courses Options to consider after Grade 12 Post-Secondary Requirements
AGENDA Special Programs at Centennial Learning Assistance Career Programs Advanced Placement Peer Tutoring Financial Assistance for Post- Secondary Education Counselling Services at Centennial Discussion and Questions AGENDA l
Students will be in their three year, 80 credit graduation program Students will be in their three year, 80 credit graduation program. All Grade 10, 11 and 12 courses will be part of their transcript. They must complete: 12 Required Courses 48 credits Career Life Education 4 credits Elective Courses (Grade 10, 11, and 12) 28 credits TOTAL 80 credits
COURSES FOR GRADUATION 1) Required Courses (48 credits) English 10, 11 and 12 12 credits Social Studies 10 4 credits A Social Studies 11 or 12 4 credits Science 10 4 credits a Science 11 4 credits a Mathematics 10 4 credits a Mathematics 11 4 credits Physical Education 10 4 credits A Fine Art/Applied Skill 10, 11 or 12 4 credits Career Life Education 4 credits 2) Elective Courses 28 credits 3) Career Life Connections 4 credits Total 80 credits PLUS: Literacy and Numeracy Assessments
FINE ARTS & APPLIED SKILLS Students are required to complete 4 credits (one course) of Fine Arts or Applied Skills (grade 10, 11, or 12) Students should check their Course Planning Booklet for a list of Fine Arts or Applied Skills options
POST-SECONDARY EDUCATION z POST-SECONDARY EDUCATION Vocational Programs -BCIT & VCC Technology Programs -BCIT & Kwantlen University College and University College Programs -Career Programs (Certificate & Diploma) -University Transfer Programs -Undergraduate Degree Programs University This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY
VOCATIONAL PROGRAMS Offered at Vancouver Community College (VCC) and BCIT Some programs lead to designated trades and eventual completion of a full apprenticeship Programs vary in length from a few weeks to two years
VOCATIONAL PROGRAMS Generally require high school graduation with some specific course requirements. Students may want to consider one of the district’s transition options Students are advised to check the application guidelines and requirements for these programs
VOCATIONAL PROGRAMS Sample BCIT Programs Sample VCC Programs Aviation, Drafting, Electronics, Mechanics, Marine, Construction, Manufacturing, Diesel Technician Sample VCC Programs Office Administration, Health Services, Food Services and Tourism, Technical Trades, Dental Assistant
TECHNOLOGY PROGRAMS Offered at BCIT and Kwantlen Polytechnic University Course length 2-3 years Not generally transferable to other university degrees BCIT is now degree-granting in many areas.
LOCAL COLLEGES Douglas College (some degree programs) Langara College Vancouver Community College (VCC) Justice Institute of British Columbia (JIBC)
TYPES OF PROGRAMS 1) Career Programs 1 year Certificate 2 year Diploma Programs offered in such areas as Business, Computing and Technology, Fine and Applied Arts, Health and Community Service, and Horticulture
2) UNIVERSITY TRANSFER PROGRAMS Complete 1 or 2 years of university course work at the college Must complete at least 24-30 credits to transfer Transfer based on college GPA
UNIVERSITY OPTIONS University of British Columbia (UBC) Simon Fraser University (SFU) University of Victoria (UVIC) Capilano University University of Northern British Columbia (UNBC) Kwantlen Polytechnic University Emily Carr University of Art and Design Vancouver Island University Thompson Rivers University Trinity Western University Royal Roads University University of the Fraser Valley (UFV)
SFU– Admissions Information English 12 with a minimum final grade of 70% . Minimum of 5 grade 12 courses, from SFU’s approved course list (including English 12). English 11, science 11, language 11 (beginners is acceptable), math 11 and socials 11 or 12. Some programs will require a Supplemental Application. Admission evaluation based on ALL GRADE 11 AND GRADE 12 COURSES TAKEN FROM SFU’S APPROVED COURSE LIST . Students will need to check PROGRAM SPECIFIC APPROVED COURSES Challenge Exams – are accepted for language credit and also for GPA
UBC – General Information Admission will be based on approximately 12-18 courses including AT LEAST 6 grade 12 courses.(which will not be limited to UBCs grade 12 ‘Approved courses list’) ALL Grade 11 and 12 courses will be included except for Applied Design, Skill, Technology, Career Education and Physical Education Lowest course grade will be omitted A maximum of two visual and performing arts courses will be used for each of grade 11 and 12 Faculty specific requirements remain the same (and are posted on the website) UBC will use the Personal Profile, Faculty Specific Requirements and ALL the grade 11 and 12 courses the student has completed to make a holistic admissions decision UBC will take into consideration whether the student has challenged themselves with IB and AP courses or by taking additional classes Minimum final grade of 70% in grade 11 or grade 12 English A grade 11 language, a grade 11 science, grade 11 math, and a grade 11 or 12 socials Challenge Exams: Language exams are accepted for language credit but not for GPA.
Challenge Exams These are exams of a second language worth course credits UBC will not accept the Challenge Exam as part of the student’s GPA. They will recognize it as completion of a language requirement. SFU and UVIC will allow the Challenge Exam to be included in their GPA and fulfill the language requirement.
English 12 in Semester TWO No, this is not a disadvantage for students applying to UBC, SFU, etc. Universities always check Grade 11 marks.
POST SECONDARY ENTRANCE SHOLARSHIPS Students need to check deadlines and procedures for applications Academic achievement is important but students may also need to provide evidence of school and community involvement and leadership activities
FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE how to finance your post-secondary education 1) Start a savings program as soon as possible -talk to your bank about Registered Education Savings Plans
2) Students can get a part time job -save a portion of their wages for education expenses This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA 3) Living at home -This will save money. It cost approximately $8000-$10,000 for tuition and living expenses
FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE Students should get involved in school and community activities starting in Grade 10 Many scholarships and bursaries are based on citizenship and involvement in extra-curricular activities Leadership activities are often given special consideration
FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE Search out Scholarships and Bursaries. Take a look at the Centennial Career Resource Webpage This website has a wealth of information on the different types of financial aid available to students and how and when to apply for Financial Aid. There is also a link to a very helpful checklist and timeline. Ask employers or any associates if they offer financial awards to children or grandchildren Encourage your child to attend the Centennial Financial Aid and Scholarship meetings that will be held in October.
FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE Search for Bursaries Many financial aid sponsors offer bursaries to students who are in great financial need. Colleges and Universities also offer bursaries to students who have high marks but do not qualify for any other type of financial aid
Tips on Scholarships Types Generic, specialty, parent’s work/union Major entrance Emphasize life experiences, preferably recent Volunteering, working, projects outside of school – making a difference! Leadership Leadership classes alone will not meet the criteria for leadership as set out by the scholarship committees. Leadership should be an ongoing role throughout high school, including school and community. References Due Dates – think ahead!
STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES -Learning Enrichment Centre (Mr. Blair Peacock) -
PEER TUTORING Well motivated and academically capable grade 11 and 12 student can gain extra course credit by training and serving as Peer Tutors Students must complete an application form. Selected students may receive training before undertaking a peer tutoring assignment Credit for Peer Tutoring 11 and 12 will be granted after successfully completing 90 hours of Peer Tutoring.
ADVANCED PLACEMENT (AP) Obtain advanced credit or standing in select university courses AP Biology, AP Chemistry, AP Calculus, AP Physics, AP Psychology are offered as courses at Centennial Tutorials may be available for AP French, AP Japanese, AP Physics (guided independent student materials are available through the AP coordinator, Karen Borges). Qualifying students may use these courses for university entrance requirements and may also receive credit for first year university courses.
COUNSELLING DEPARTMENT z z COUNSELLING DEPARTMENT Personal counselling services Resources and support Academic and career counselling Mrs. Thomas A-Ha Mrs. Norlin He-Pa Mrs. Temlett Pe-Z RAVEN A-Z
Youth Worker Ms. Liana Honeysett z z Youth Worker Ms. Liana Honeysett Aboriginal Youth Worker Ms. Danielle Kraichey Chinese Youth Worker (IE) Ms. Carolyn Cai
KEYS to SUCCESS at Centennial This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC
Good homework habits Regularly scheduled homework time Use planner or app effectively to record assignments/tests Ask for help from teachers, attend tutorials Ask for missed assignments if student is away from classes
Attendance and School Involvement z Attendance and School Involvement Email or phone for absences Avoid holidays during school time if possible but if you are going away your student will need to pick up a Vacation Form from their school counsellor
Full Use of Programs and Resources -tutorials -student support services -extra-curricular opportunities -counselling and career resource centre -library services
Home and School Communication -newsletters -daily bulletin & MyschoolDay app -anecdotals and report cards -websites -phone calls, emails, and counsellor contact
Careful course selection Choose electives carefully Second language requirements
Automotive Service Technician COOK TRAINING Automotive Service Technician This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions Mrs. Thomas A-Ha mthomas@sd43.bc.ca Mrs. Norlin He-Pa NNorlin@sd43.bc.ca Mrs. Temlett Pe-Z ttemlett@sd43.bc.ca Thank you for coming to our Information Session! We look forward to working with you and your child next year.