Professor Spy? or Author Katherine Verdery, “My Life as a Spy: The World Affairs Council of Greater Hampton Roads Presents Author Katherine Verdery, “My Life as a Spy: Investigations in a Secret Police File” or Professor Spy? Come join us for an evening of insight and intrigue! Ever wanted to know what it was like to be an American living behind the “Iron Curtain”? Katherine Verdery lived in Romania for a total of 3 years during the Communist period, then several weeks every year through the present. Her insights and experiences are the stuff of movies. Thursday, May 17, 2018 Slover Library, 6th Floor, 235 E. Plume St., Norfolk, VA 23510 Reception and book signing: 5:15 p.m. Program: 6:00 p.m. Members $15 • Non-members $20 • Military $10 • Full-time students free Register at, advanced book signing available Katherine Verdery obtained her Ph.D. at Stanford University, and is Distinguished Professor of Anthropology at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. Prior to moving to New York, Katherine spent 20 years as Professor at John Hopkins University, and 8 years at the University of Michigan. She has received many awards for her research. She has conducted field research in Romania since 1973, and will speak to us about the Secret Police file kept on her in Romania from 1973 to 1989, from which she has written her field memoirs, My Life as a Spy (2018). We would like to thank Norfolk Commission on the Arts & Humanities for a grant in support of this event as well as Slover Library Foundation for their support. And thank you to the following organizations for their continued support Bay Diesel & Generator • PENROD • SunTrust Bank • Old Dominion University • Margaret Little, CFP Register at or mail check to World Affairs Council 4101 Granby St. #205 Norfolk, VA 23504-1117 (757) 363-3090