Welcome to Year 9 Information Evening
Head Of Year: Ian Haslam Year 9 Ihaslam@woolwichpoly.co.uk Check contact diaries weekly Let us know if anything changes at home Ensure your son is reading regularly Ask him about his class work, homework and school in general Support the ‘PROUD’ ethos, including uniform Encourage your son to attend clubs and extra intervention sessions Ensure that he is responding to staff feedback Attend all ARDs and parents events Ensure that your son is given opportunities to maximise his progress Provide regular feedback to students and parents Provide outstanding pastoral care Ensure that your son is working in a safe and productive environment Contact home with any concerns Reward and praise positive contributions Consistently teach great lessons in order to get great results! Home school partnership Parents School Student Do everything we say and you’ll be ok!
New GCSE Grading Grades from 1 – 9 Fine grades 1C, 1B, 1A, 2C … 9C, 9B, 9A 5+ counts as a top pass KSp/KS to present on GCSE changes, new grading system, government measures etc. and what it means for our boys (10 mins MAX)
How do the new and old grades compare? New GCSE Grade Legacy equivalent 9 Highest A* 8 A* 7 A 6 B 5 C + 4 C - 3 D 2 E 1 F/G U KSp/KS to present on GCSE changes, new grading system, government measures etc. and what it means for our boys (10 mins MAX)
What will Year 9 be measured on nationally? Attainment 8 Progress 8 English & Maths (Grades 5 - 9) KSp/KS to present on GCSE changes, new grading system, government measures etc. and what it means for our boys (10 mins MAX)
Average attainment grade across 8 qualifying subjects No relation to starting points/expected outcomes KSp/KS to present on GCSE changes, new grading system, government measures etc. and what it means for our boys (10 mins MAX)
Average progress made across 8 qualifying subjects Related to starting points (KS2) ‘Fairer’ comparison measure Main school performance measure KSp/KS to present on GCSE changes, new grading system, government measures etc. and what it means for our boys (10 mins MAX)
Achievement of both English and Maths GCSEs at grade 5 or higher English & Maths (5+) Achievement of both English and Maths GCSEs at grade 5 or higher Students who don’t achieve a grade 5 or higher in English and Maths in Year 11 will be required to retake in Year 12. KSp/KS to present on GCSE changes, new grading system, government measures etc. and what it means for our boys (10 mins MAX)
English – Mr Ray-Choudhuri Rray-choudhuri@woolwichpoly.co.uk What is happening? English will be assessed by EXAM ONLY. Students will be awarded one of nine grades, represented by the numbers 1-9, with 9 representing the highest level of attainment. Those who fail to meet the minimum standard will be graded with a U – as before.
Thank you for your support! Woolwich Poly English Department It is a privilege We have a commitment Empowering the boys to be effective communicators, readers and writers
GCSE English Literature 100 % exam Two papers - not one. 1 GCSE English Literature 100 % exam Two papers - not one! 1. Macbeth and Jekyll and Hyde 2. An Inspector Calls and Poetry
GCSE English Language 100 % exam No coursework/no speaking and listening Two papers - not one! 50% writing
Extra Support Extra support in learning support available English Language revision guides to be purchased available through Wise Pay Mr Jablonka is running after school clubs
Remember… There were not the distractions there are now, when you were a student. Mobile phones, games consoles, Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram & the internet are part of the student life now. • But some distractions are the same, TV and social life.
How can you help? Encourage your child to read widely and frequently. Read news articles or texts together and discuss the key points and help your child develop their opinions, broadening their knowledge. Ensure and check that your child is completing homework set and is keeping up with the reading of the set texts. Homework – 40 minutes twice a week
Maths – Mr Christian What is happening? cchristian@woolwichpoly.co.uk Maths will be assessed by EXAM ONLY. Students will be awarded one of nine grades, represented by the numbers 1-9, with 9 representing the highest level of attainment. • Maths will be tiered with an overlapping tiers model, with Foundation tier covering grades 1-5 and Higher tier covering grades 4-9.
GCSE Mathematics
Resources for Maths Aiming for 5a/5b Independent learning To develop confidence and resilience Grade 4/5 taster Maths Watch VLE – NOW AVAILABLE FOR FREE TO ALL STUDENTS Revision list with clip numbers Youtube clips Pixl APP Create customised test papers To identify strengths and weaknesses Diagnosis Testing and Therapy Good performance in PPE/WAVE !!!!!!!
Regular contact book checks Discuss school homework As a parent, what can I do to help? Regular contact book checks Discuss school homework Open communication with school Clear space for study away from distractions Ensure good diet and appropriate bed-time Encourage and reward the effort rather than focussing on the grade
Science – Ms Masoud & Mr Tweedale smasoud@woolwichpoly.co.uk ptweedale@woolwichpoly.co.uk What is happening? Changes from old GCSE: All exams are at the end of year 11. NO EARLY ENTRY Pupils will receive a 9-1 grade. NO LONGER A*-G 2 routes: Trilogy (2x GCSEs) and Separate sciences (3x GCSEs) 6 papers for everyone. (SEPARATE SCIENCE WITH HAVE ADDITIONAL MATERIAL WITHIN THE PAPER INSTEAD OF A SEPARATE UNIT) No CONTROLLED ASSESSMENT. - 100% EXAM ASSESSED 21 required practicals; 30 for separate sciences. These will be assessed in the exams. There is an increased level of mathematical demand. 23 equations for Physics now must be memorised. NO EQUATION SHEET ‘Triple science’ is now about depth of knowledge, not breadth.
GCSE Science 6 exams. Two different route ways Trilogy (combined Science) - 2 GCSE’s 6 x 1 hour 15 minutes exams Each exam will contribute 16.7% to the GCSE grade (9-1). Paper 1 and paper 2 will contribute towards each of the two GCSE grades. Questions based on the knowledge, understanding and skills of the required practical elements will contribute to at least 15% of the marks for each exam. Separate Sciences - 3 GCSE’s 6 x 1 hour 45 minutes exams Each exam will contribute 50% to the GCSE grade (9-1) for each of the separate Sciences. Questions based on the knowledge, understanding and skills of the required practical elements will contribute to at least 15% of the marks for each exam. Biology Paper 1 Chemistry Paper 1 Physics Paper 1 Biology Paper 1 Chemistry Paper 1 Physics Paper 1 + + + + + + Biology Paper 2 Chemistry Paper 2 Physics Paper 2 Biology Paper 2 Chemistry Paper 2 Physics Paper 2
Trilogy or separate sciences? Chemistry paper 1 Atomic structure and periodic table Bonding, structure and properties of matter Quantitative chemistry Chemical changes Energy changes Physics paper 1 Energy Particle model of matter Electricity Atomic structure Biology paper 1 Cell biology Organisation Infection and response Bioenergetics Physics paper 2 Forces Waves Magnetism and electromagnetism Space physics Biology paper 2 Homeostasis and response Inheritance, variation and evolution Ecology Chemistry paper 2 Rate of chemical change Organic chemistry Chemical analysis Chemistry of the atmosphere Using resources All pupils will have 6 exams regardless of the route they are entered for. The key topics are identical for both routes however, the depth of content is increased in separate sciences. This means there is an extra level of challenge at the top end for those pupils who are gifted at Science. Currently pupils in Sets 1 and 2 are following the accelerated separate science route, with pupils in sets 3-6 following the Trilogy route. Final decisions will be made in Year 11.
How can you help? Ensure that your son does the following: Responds to feedback – he should be responding to his teachers’ marking. After an assessment/test use his PLCs to guide his revision. Purchase copies of the revision guides (available from the science department). Uses the revision techniques he has been shown e.g. Mind maps, flash cards, exam questions – check polyknowit.net for help Useful websites for revision: www.doddlelearn.co.uk www.bbcbitesize.co.uk www.youtube.com/user/myGCSEscience Be aware of key assessments: Half term assessments End of Term Exams (Dec/Jan) End of academic year exams (June)