The issue of compliance Prof. Dr. Şehnaz Karadeniz Chair of IDF Europe
One in two adults with diabetes are undiagnosed IDF Diabetes Atlas, 2015
Countries that have tested a risk score for type 2 diabetes IDF Diabetes Atlas, 2015
Glycemic control The Diabetes Control and Complications Trial DCCT / Epidemiology of Diabetes Interventions and Complications UK Prospective Diabetes Study
Favourable effect of intensified risk factor control on diabetic retinopathy Are these successfully translated into the real lives of people with diabetes?
COMBATTING DIABETES 1989 St. Vincent Declaration 1999 Istanbul Commitment 2006 EP Written Declaration on Diabetes 2006 UN Resolution on Diabetes 2008 CIS Agreement on Diabetes 2011 CoE Resolution and Recommendation on Diabetes 2011 UN Political Declaration on NCDs 2012 EP Resolution on Diabetes 2016 EP Written Declaration on Diabetes Several declarations, resolutions, and recommendations exist at the global and European levels, inviting Member States to take action against diabetes, showing that political and public health leaders increasing recognize the need, to take action to address the problem of diabetes.
First time, It was in October 1989, when representatives of government health departments and patients’ organizations, diabetes experts from all European countries, came together in St. Vincent, under the aegis of WHO Regional Office for Europe and IDF Europe.
And lastly, in 2016, Written Declaration on Diabetes, signed by 405 MEPs, was adopted by the European Parliament. That again, calls on the European Commission and the European Council, to prioritize diabetes as a major European public health concern, and to develop, an EU strategy for diabetes prevention, diagnosis and control. But after so many years, 22 out of 47 European countries have a National Diabetes Program or a National Diabetes Strategy according to our latest survey in European Region , and there is no EU diabetes strategy that would contribute for a positive change across the EU Member States.
So today; although we have good evidence base, for diabetes prevention and management,; it looks like this evidence base and political goodwill is not effectively translated into the real life, despite of tremendous advances in medical technology, medicines, and medical devices. That is why during this term we are mainly concentrating on the gaps and ways to bridge them by also building upon the wonderful work done by IDF Europe and MAs throughout the years. IDF Diabetes Atlas, 2015
Integrating evidence into practice: Challenges and oppurtunities This year publication, Kamlesh and Cristian
Achieving improved compliance to diabetes care: The common task for care providers, health systems and people with diabetes Today we will speak about compliance, another topic which is also one of the main issues when it comes on translating existent evidence base into the real lives of people with diabetes. Back in 2003, WHO reported that only 50% of people living with diabetes comply and persist in the long term to their therapy. As a clinician I still strongly believe that more or less this is still the case. But this is a multifaceted issue. Besides the diabetes team, the healthcare systems has a big role to play. We wanted to tackle these topics both from the healthcare professional and Patients’ perspective. The other session will concentrate on Mobile apps and how can they contribute on improved compliance. As you may know we have published a position paper on Mobile Apps in Diabetes this year. On one side they do contribute to the care of people with diabetes, but on the other side, there are a number of limitations also that needs to be addressed in the future. Hopefully our Position Paper will be published in Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice Journal. Each speaker will have a max 10 min so that we have a good time for comments/discussions. Then Dr. Niti Pall, my dear friend and the Chair Elect of IDF Europe will wrap up and close the Symposium. We hope you will enjoy the Program.
Thank you…