3.13 The Calvin Cycle
The Calvin Cycle Terms Carbon Fixation – stick CO2 together Rubisco – enzyme that fixes carbon Stroma – fluid space in chloroplast RuBP cycle G3P is 3 carbons
The Calvin Cycle Carbon Fixation Products 3 CO2 combined Rubisco enzyme Where: Stroma Products 1 G3P Rubisco still there RuBP cycle G3P is 3 carbons
Biological Cycles Rubisco cycle NADPH cycle ATP cycle
CO2 vs. Water Stomata CO2 in H2O out C3 vs C4 vs CAM
CO2 vs. Water Save water = close stomata Store CO2 to be efficient Long or short term
3.14 Overview
Light Matters What light wavelength does chlorophyll a absorb most? What about carotenoids? Where does the least photosynthesis occur?
What temperature causes the highest rate of photosynthesis What temperature causes the highest rate of photosynthesis? What happens to the rate of photosynthesis as the light intensity increases?
Metabolism Practical Bromothymol blue is an indicator Oxygen present = Blue CO2 present = Yellow If I breathe into a bromothymol solution it would be…
Metabolism Practical Which color would each of the following be after 8 hours of daytime? After 8 hours of nighttime?