The New Haven Advantage Local + Regional Companies+
Yale’s Intellectual Capital Invested in New Haven Yale laboratories have spawned 40 start-up biotech companies in the Greater New Haven area. Over $750 million in professional venture capital Over $3 billion in equity capital investment
Technology Center at 300 George Street 500,000 sf formerly SNET. $50 million investment by Winstanley Enterprises Home to 8 New Biotech Ventures from Yale Yale and Howard Hughes Medical Institute are tenants 100% occupied 1000+ jobs
Downtown Crossing Winstanley Enterprises 14 stories 500,000+ square feet $140 million investment Alexion Pharmaceuticals with 1000+ jobs.
From Winchester Firearms Industrial Park 80 acres of old and abandoned factories Two blocks from Yale’s Science Hill State invested $19 million worth of grants into Park over a decade. By mid-1990s, Park was losing about $1 million a year. Owed over $500,000 in back taxes.
To Science Park at Yale Winstanley Enterprises: Renovating and expanding the available space by more than 1 million square feet. First step: $30 million renovation of 25 Science Park, a 266,000-square-foot office and science laboratory Higher One (NYSE: ONE): $45 million, 140,000 sf renovation Home to 25 companies with over 2,000 employees