Mayhill Maths Workshop Securing ARE or GD for your child
Agenda and Aims To improve your knowledge of the terms ARE and GD in maths To explain what ‘going deeper’ means in maths To ask questions about helping with homework 6:30- Introduction by Mrs Robson 6:45- Questions 7:00- time to look at year specific expectations and ask questions of year group teachers
KS2 Curriculum Fluency with whole numbers and the four operations (+ x - ÷ ) Efficient written methods Understand place value Solve a range of problems Starting to develop mathematical reasoning Learn all times tables Learn and spell mathematical vocabulary Extend their knowledge of the number system to include large integers Developing connections between multiplication and division with fractions, decimals, ratio and proportion Solve problems that demand that they can use efficient written methods Start to use the language of algebra to solve problems By the end of year 6 pupils should be fluent in; Long multiplication and division Working with fractions, percentages and decimals Spell and pronounce mathematical vocabulary correctly Accessed 27.11.18
So… with this in mind, what does ARE mean? Let’s take times tables as an example; Previously (year 2) Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 2,5 and 10 times tables Recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 3,4 and 6 times tables Recall and use multiplication and division facts for times tables up to 12 x 12 Identify multiples and factors including finding all factor pairs of a number and common factors of 2 numbers Identify common factors, common multiples, prime numbers and prime factors Accessed 27.11.18
So… with this in mind, what does GD mean? Accessed online 27.11.18
Online pages accessed NCETM Mastery Doc 27.11.16 pages taken directly from Babcock 4S Progression in Calculation Document 27.11.18
Times tables (and associated division facts/multiples/factors) Helping at home Encourage your child to think ‘what do I know that can help me’ Ask them to explain using mathematical terms how they found an answer