21 January 22 – 25, 2019 Notes & Reminders: Language: Pronoun Unit 1/22 - 4th Grade Morning Meeting 1/25 - 100th Day of School! 1/29 – Breakfast Buddies (Last names A-D) 1/30 – Breakfast Buddies (Last names E-K) 1/31 – Breakfast Buddies (Last names L-P) 2/1 – Breakfast Buddies (Last names Q-Z) 2/5 - Interims (Check grade averages online) 3/4-3/8 - Mardi Gras Holidays 3/15 - No School for students Reading/Writing: Lightning Thief Guidebook Unit: Students begin to gather information about Greek mythology which will assist them in understanding the characters and events when they begin reading "The Lightning Thief" later in the unit. No assessments this week. Language: Pronoun Unit This week’s focus skill: Relative Pronouns Please review the study guide. Our unit assessment on pronouns will be Feb. 1st Spelling/Vocabulary: No Spelling this week! Math – Quiz – Friday (mixed facts & operations); Test – Friday Unit 4: Fraction Equivalence, Ordering, and Operations (Eureka Math Module 5) Students will continue to further their understanding of fraction equivalence using multiplication and division. We will then work on comparing fractions. Fluency quizzes will now include basic multiplication and division facts, as well as multi-digit addition, subtraction, multiplication, and long division. These are given weekly and averaged together for one grade at the end of the 9 weeks. Video links to all math lessons can be found on the “Eureka Math Video Links” tab on Mrs. B’s website Notes & Reminders: Our classrooms are in need of a few items. If you are able to donate a box of Kleenex, a roll of paper towels, a pack of pencils, or a pack of pencil cap erasers, it would be greatly appreciated Students are responsible for copying homework assignments into their homework logs. Please check behavior logs daily. Science –In-class graded assignment Unit 3: Structure & Processes of Organisms & Unit 4: Waves & Communication We will continue to learn about eyes and vision, making a connection to how animals receive different types of information through their senses. Students should be familiar with information glued in their notebooks. Social Studies – In-class graded assignment; NE states quiz –Wednesday; SE states quiz – next Fri., 2/1 Unit 4: Our Nation Grows Through Westward Expansion: We will continue to learn about how scientific contributions and human effort led to the development of the United States. We will be focusing on the Louisiana Purchase, the Lewis and Clark expedition, and the War of 1812.