South African Council for Social Service Professions Budget 2018-2021 South African Council for Social Service Professions
South African Council for Social Service Professions Funding Chapter 1, section 12(1) (a)-(e) states that the funds of council shall consist of : Monies received in terms of the ACT( annual subscriptions) Fines imposed and recovered in terms of the Act Monies appropriated by Parliament for achieving the objects of council Monies obtained by way of loans raised with the approval of the Minister Any monies accruing to Council from any other source South African Council for Social Service Professions
South African Council for Social Service Professions COUNCIL BUDGET Consists of four (4) programmes: PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION - Sub-programme 1.1 : Office Of The Registrar - Sub-programme 1.2 : Finance & Administration - Sub-programme 1.3 : Organisational Transformation - Sub-programme 1.4 : Human Resources - Sub-programme 1.5 : Info, Communication And Technology (ICT) - Sub-programme 1.6 : Public Relations And Communication (PRC) - Sub-programme 1.7: Governance Structures - Sub-programme 1.6 : Governance Structures South African Council for Social Service Professions
COUNCIL BUDGET continued Budget summary South African Council for Social Service Professions
COUNCIL BUDGET continued COUNCIL REVENUE: Annual fees - payable by practitioners – PBSW, CYCW Registration fees Other fees- Re-registration fees, fees such as Registrar’s fines Other Income – Status report, Continued Professional Development (CPD), interests generated from investments South African Council for Social Service Professions
COUNCIL BUDGET continued 5-YEAR REVENUE COLLECTION FY (Audited Outcome ) AMOUNT (R) % increase YoY 2012/13 10,425,360 - 2013/14 10,642,539 2% 2014/15 13,076,265 18% 2015/16 14,993,543 13% 2016/17 17,021,142 12% South African Council for Social Service Professions
COUNCIL BUDGET continued Total income collection for 2018-19 is R19,999,177 vs. expenditures of R26,842,377 The budget for 2018-19 projected a deficit of R6,843,201 Higher expenditure relates to compensation of employees, 67% of income Capex of R4,880,000 mostly Office building acquisition and Online Integration system including archiving system Capacitated all the divisions with managers Established new sub-programmes such as HR, Organisational Transformation South African Council for Social Service Professions
COUNCIL BUDGET continued MTEF BUDGET 2018 - 2021 The deficit represents the funding that the Council requires to achieve its mandate Refer to the detailed budget! FY 2018/19 (R) 2019/20 (R) 2020/21 (R) Total (R) Income 19,999,177 22,239,647 24,781,181 51,362,494 Expenses 26,842,377 41,005,126 44,922,598 112,770,102 Suplus (+) Deficit (-) - 6,843,201 -18,765,480 - 20,141,418 - 61,407,607 % funding 25.5% 45% 54% South African Council for Social Service Professions
COUNCIL BUDGET continued MTEF BUDGET 2018 – 2021 Income (Council) 19,999,177 22,239,647 24,781,181 51,362,494 CoE - % OF INCOME 67% 102% 107% 93% Income (with required funding) 26,842,377 41,005,126 44,922,598 112,770,102 CoE - % OF INCOME 50% 55% 59% 56% South African Council for Social Service Professions
COUNCIL BUDGET continued MTEF BUDGET 2018 – 2021 The budget includes ministerial appointees There are 13 appointees who also serves in various committees Costs per appointee includes: Attendance Allowance R700 Air fare R4500 Communication Allowance R600 Overnight Allowance Accommodation R1200 Travel cost (km) @ R3.61 x est. 200km R722 Venue Hire & Catering R550 Data card R69 Total cost per person R8,941 X 4 = R35,764 Total cost – 13 members R464,932 South African Council for Social Service Professions
COUNCIL BUDGET continued CAPITAL EXPENDITURE - R10,870,000 (MTEF) Office Space – R4,030,000 The current office space is congested Council is in the process of acquiring an office building to the value of R3,2 million to relieve the excess staff and to plan for more expansion and growth Online Integrated System - R5,360,000 manual processing of registration application from start to finish Manual receipts of documents such as qualifications and registration forms consume office space There is a pressing need by Council to digitalize the environment South African Council for Social Service Professions
COUNCIL FOR SOCIAL SERVICE PROFESSIONS SOUTH AFRICAN COUNCIL FOR SOCIAL SERVICE PROFESSIONS 37 Annie Botha Avenue, Riviera, Pretoria, 0084 / Private Bag X12, Gezina, 0031, Republic of Sout Africa Telephone: 012 356 8326 / fx 086 645 2913 Email: Website: Twitter: @sacssp Facebook: Thank you Non Nobis – Not For Our Selves