Procedures Spring 2019 Semester
Procedures: Students will still be graded using the same weighting: 40- Summative 30- Formative 20- Daily 10- Final Assignments will still be turned in to the tower unless otherwise specified, including late work.
Procedures: When students are absent, they will need to check the weekly agenda to find out assignments that were given as homework or that were turned in, and look at the “While You Were Out” board to find more instructions about what else they missed in class, and where they can find that information. Missing placeholders for work not turned in will still be put in place this semester, in order to encourage students to turn in assignments they missed as soon as possible. The calendar for signing up to see me will still be in effect, but will be taped to the back counter instead of on the bulletin board like it was previously.
Procedures: No changes will be made to the seating chart. Students will be given the opportunity to choose their seat on the first day and sign up for where they would like to sit. Unlike last semester, that right will be revoked if student grades fall to a failing grade, or if that student chooses not to work or causes distractions in class. Don’t abuse the privilege and this won’t be a problem. Phones should be put up. I will give you one warning if I see it on your desk. After that warning, I will take it up and put it on my desk with a sticky note. If it continues to be a problem, it will go to the principal after one warning in all future instances. I will let you know if we need them in class, but otherwise, they shouldn’t be on your desk, in your lap, or otherwise.
Student spaces in the room: The room has been set up for your use. A few reminders: The student station by the door and the Tardis bookcase are full of supplies specifically for your use. You don’t have to ask to use any of it. Please limit use to what you actually need, and not for your personal boredom (ie, wasting tape, paper, breaking pencils). The bookcases are also specifically for you. You do not have to ask to check out a book. Just use the black notebook on the chalkboard ledge and sign out any books you want. Please return them by signing them back in, and putting them with their color code. If you leave books under your desk, they are not checked out. They will be placed back on the shelf for other students to check out. The absent work agenda and sign up calendar are specifically to allow you to advocate for yourself and use to reorient yourself after being absent. Use it. The student storage folders are for your use. Remember, do not turn things into them! All work for grading goes into the student tower by the door. You can store work in your folder, and I will never take anything out of it. I will only return graded work back to those folders for the sake of not wasting your class time. The pillows, cubes, and other such furniture are for independent reading time or group work. Please do not use them otherwise, and if you choose to abuse the privilege of using them, you will not be permitted to use them further.
Composition books and Supplies 1st hour: index cards 2nd hour: tissues 4th hour: hand sanitizer 5th hour: colored highlighter (we have a lot of yellow, but really need other colors) 6th hour: sanitizer wipes ***Composition books are provided by me for new students.
“We Didn’t Start the Fire” The year is 2019. A lot of great things happened last year, and a lot of great things will happen in the year 2019 as well. Same goes for the reverse though, obviously. We didn’t make 2018 all it was, but we definitely were turning with the year and experiencing as it happened.
What events do you see in Billy Joel’s song that you recognize from when he wrote the song in 1989, 30 years ago? It encompasses people, music, movies, events, and other such popular culture.
Your assignment? Write your own version of ten of the lines, excluding the chorus. What events, people, and popular culture would you have to include if you wrote this song for the last ten years like Billy Joel did? (2008 through 2018) Try to rhyme, and catch the rhythm in the same way Joel’s song does. This is homework if not completed in class, due Friday.