Ardrey Kell High School Parent Information Night Welcome Class of 2023 Parents!
AK Counselor Assignments Kelly DeAntonio A-Cal Lori DiPierno Cam-Ek Kristilyn Ramos El-Har Mary Sartwell Has-Lem Chad Cable Leo – M Heather Schiffman N-Rod Latricia Mills Roe-S Jorris Clemmons T-Z
All registration information, including this presentation, will be posted on the AK Registration Website:
The Registration Process
The Registration Process Registration cards and instructions were handed out last week and should be returned to your middle school counselor on the date specified. Make sure to enter your course selections into PowerSchool before returning your card. High school counselors will meet with incoming students to review course selections after cards are turned in. Counselors will review course selections for CMS graduation requirements and appropriate level placement based on test scores and current grades. There will be an Amnesty Day in May for students who want to make a change to their course requests.
Filling out the Registration Card
Filling out Your Registration Card Class formats: 4x4 (semester) classes: every day for one semester (fall or spring) 4x4 semester classes are NOT BOLD on your card A/B day classes: every other day for a full school year A/B day classes are BOLD There should be an even number of BOLD classes on your card (0, 2, 4) Each student should select their top 8 courses, including cores and electives, with an X. Each student should then select a total of 6 different alternate courses (3 bold, 3 not bold). Write these in the boxes on the back of the card.
Filling out Your Registration Card Always use PENCIL, so you can erase if needed A parent/guardian and student must sign the finalized registration card once selections have been made. A high school counselor will sign it when they meet with the student. AP contracts must be stapled to the registration card when it is turned in, if applicable. Course requests should be entered into PowerSchool before turning your card in.
What Courses ARE TAKEN in 9th Grade?
Courses taken in 9th grade at AK English Foundations of English I / English 1 (year-long, two courses) English I (standard or Honors) Honors English I Math Foundations of NC Math I / Math I (year-long, two courses) Math I Honors NC Math II Honors NC Math III
Courses taken in 9th grade at AK Social Studies World History (Standard, Honors, or AP) Science Earth & Environmental Science (standard or Honors) Honors Biology (for students planning to take AP Science in their 11th/12th grade years and other higher level sciences) Health and Physical Education
Courses taken in 9th grade at AK Up to 3 Elective Courses: Fine Arts: Introductory levels are available in the 9th grade CTE (Career & Technical Education) Social Studies Other: ROTC, Speech & Debate, Sports Medicine World Languages Not a graduation requirement Most colleges require 2 years of a language, some colleges recommend 3 years. Require the same amount of work as a core class. Some students find waiting until 10th grade to begin a second language allows them to be successful in 9th grade. We do not recommend taking a year off in between levels of the same language.
Registering for Advanced Placement (AP) Courses
Registering for AP Courses Students may take one AP course in the 9th grade: AP World History AP Psychology AP Human Geography These are college level courses that contain mature content and are taught at a VERY rigorous level. For detailed course descriptions as well as sample readings and sample questions, visit the AK Registration Website: www.akregistraiton. An AP Contract (including parent signature and current teacher recommendation) is required if you would like to register for an AP course. Your middle school counselor has these contracts available. They are also on the AK Registration Website for you to print off. Please keep in mind - no schedule changes are allowed once a class is on your schedule.
Doubling Up in Math and Science
Doubling Up in Math and Science Rising 9th graders may not double in math or science. Math: Students who take NC Math I as a 9th grader will be given the opportunity to double in math during their sophomore year if they choose to do so, and meet the requirements. Science: Students are currently given the opportunity to take multiple science courses in their 11th and 12th grade years, if they would like.
Things to keep in mind when selecting courses: This is a big transition year! Don’t take on too much. Students should select courses and levels that are challenging, yet attainable - Conversations with current teachers - CMS planning guide for course descriptions
Thank you!