- Mob Mentality Activity Agenda 12/1 Vocabulary List – Journal (10 mins) Review Act II & Read Section of Act III (30) – Quiz Tomorrow Continue research annotations for Essay Homework: Finish Act III & notes; reading quiz tomorrow Tomorrow: - Act III Quiz - Mob Mentality Activity
- Mob Mentality Activity Agenda 12/1 Vocabulary List - Journal After knocking over the wedding cake; Harold ___ the situation by still trying to feed it to the bride. Lily ___ the free sugar cookies at Harris Teeter by eating 20 of them. The Great Gatsby ___ great literature of the 1920’s. After being caught in the spider’s web, the fly tried to ___ itself. Jumping off the cliff and into the lagoon was an ___ experience. Homework: Finish Act III & notes; reading quiz tomorrow Tomorrow: - Act III Quiz - Mob Mentality Activity
- Mob Mentality Activity Agenda 12/1 Vocabulary List - Journal After knocking over the wedding cake; Harold exacerbated the situation by still trying to feed it to the bride. Lily ___ the free sugar cookies at Harris Teeter by eating 20 of them. The Great Gatsby ___ great literature of the 1920’s. After being caught in the spider’s web, the fly tried to ___ itself. Jumping off the cliff and into the lagoon was an ___ experience. Homework: Finish Act III & notes; reading quiz tomorrow Tomorrow: - Act III Quiz - Mob Mentality Activity
- Mob Mentality Activity Agenda 12/1 Vocabulary List - Journal After knocking over the wedding cake; Harold exacerbated the situation by still trying to feed it to the bride. Exacerbate worsen; embitter Verb Homework: Finish Act III & notes; reading quiz tomorrow Tomorrow: - Act III Quiz - Mob Mentality Activity
- Mob Mentality Activity Agenda 12/1 Vocabulary List - Journal After knocking over the wedding cake; Harold exacerbated the situation by still trying to feed it to the bride. Lily ___ the free sugar cookies at Harris Teeter by eating 20 of them. The Great Gatsby ___ great literature of the 1920’s. After being caught in the spider’s web, the fly tried to ___ itself. Jumping off the cliff and into the lagoon was an ___ experience. Homework: Finish Act III & notes; reading quiz tomorrow Tomorrow: - Act III Quiz - Mob Mentality Activity
- Mob Mentality Activity Agenda 12/1 Vocabulary List - Journal After knocking over the wedding cake; Harold exacerbated the situation by still trying to feed it to the bride. Lily exploited the free sugar cookies at Harris Teeter by eating 20 of them. The Great Gatsby ___ great literature of the 1920’s. After being caught in the spider’s web, the fly tried to ___ itself. Jumping off the cliff and into the lagoon was an ___ experience. Homework: Finish Act III & notes; reading quiz tomorrow Tomorrow: - Act III Quiz - Mob Mentality Activity
Vocabulary List – Journal Agenda 12/1 Vocabulary List – Journal Lily exploited the free sugar cookies at Harris Teeter by eating 20 of them. Exploit make use of, sometimes unjustly Verb Homework: Finish Act III & notes; reading quiz tomorrow Tomorrow: - Act III Quiz - Mob Mentality Activity
- Mob Mentality Activity Agenda 12/1 Vocabulary List - Journal After knocking over the wedding cake; Harold exacerbated the situation by still trying to feed it to the bride. Lily exploited the free sugar cookies at Harris Teeter by eating 20 of them. The Great Gatsby ___ great literature of the 1920’s. After being caught in the spider’s web, the fly tried to ___ itself. Jumping off the cliff and into the lagoon was an ___ experience. Homework: Finish Act III & notes; reading quiz tomorrow Tomorrow: - Act III Quiz - Mob Mentality Activity
- Mob Mentality Activity Agenda 12/1 Vocabulary List - Journal After knocking over the wedding cake; Harold exacerbated the situation by still trying to feed it to the bride. Lily exploited the free sugar cookies at Harris Teeter by eating 20 of them. The Great Gatsby exemplifies great literature of the 1920’s. After being caught in the spider’s web, the fly tried to ___ itself. Jumping off the cliff and into the lagoon was an ___ experience. Homework: Finish Act III & notes; reading quiz tomorrow Tomorrow: - Act III Quiz - Mob Mentality Activity
Vocabulary List - Journal Agenda 12/1 Vocabulary List - Journal The Great Gatsby exemplifies great literature of the 1920’s. Exemplify serve as an example of; embody Verb Homework: Finish Act III & notes; reading quiz tomorrow Tomorrow: - Act III Quiz - Mob Mentality Activity
- Mob Mentality Activity Agenda 12/1 Vocabulary List - Journal After knocking over the wedding cake; Harold exacerbated the situation by still trying to feed it to the bride. Lily exploited the free sugar cookies at Harris Teeter by eating 20 of them. The Great Gatsby exemplifies great literature of the 1920’s. After being caught in the spider’s web, the fly tried to ___ itself. Jumping off the cliff and into the lagoon was an ___ experience. Homework: Finish Act III & notes; reading quiz tomorrow Tomorrow: - Act III Quiz - Mob Mentality Activity
- Mob Mentality Activity Agenda 12/1 Vocabulary List - Journal After knocking over the wedding cake; Harold exacerbated the situation by still trying to feed it to the bride. Lily exploited the free sugar cookies at Harris Teeter by eating 20 of them. The Great Gatsby exemplifies great literature of the 1920’s. After being caught in the spider’s web, the fly tried to extricate itself. Jumping off the cliff and into the lagoon was an ___ experience. Homework: Finish Act III & notes; reading quiz tomorrow Tomorrow: - Act III Quiz - Mob Mentality Activity
- Mob Mentality Activity Agenda 12/1 Vocabulary List - Journal web, the fly tried to extricate itself. Extricate free; disentangle Verb Homework: Finish Act III & notes; reading quiz tomorrow Tomorrow: - Act III Quiz - Mob Mentality Activity
- Mob Mentality Activity Agenda 12/1 Vocabulary List - Journal After knocking over the wedding cake; Harold exacerbated the situation by still trying to feed it to the bride. Lily exploited the free sugar cookies at Harris Teeter by eating 20 of them. The Great Gatsby exemplifies great literature of the 1920’s. After being caught in the spider’s web, the fly tried to extricate itself. Jumping off the cliff and into the lagoon was an ___ experience. Homework: Finish Act III & notes; reading quiz tomorrow Tomorrow: - Act III Quiz - Mob Mentality Activity
- Mob Mentality Activity Agenda 12/1 Vocabulary List - Journal After knocking over the wedding cake; Harold exacerbated the situation by still trying to feed it to the bride. Lily exploited the free sugar cookies at Harris Teeter by eating 20 of them. The Great Gatsby exemplifies great literature of the 1920’s. After being caught in the spider’s web, the fly tried to extricate itself. Jumping off the cliff and into the lagoon was an exhilarating experience. Homework: Finish Act III & notes; reading quiz tomorrow Tomorrow: - Act III Quiz - Mob Mentality Activity
Vocabulary List - Journal Agenda 12/1 Vocabulary List - Journal lagoon was an exhilarating experience. Exhilarating invigorating and refreshing; cheering Adjective Homework: Finish Act III & notes; reading quiz tomorrow Tomorrow: - Act III Quiz - Mob Mentality Activity
- Mob Mentality Activity Agenda 12/1 Vocabulary List - Journal After knocking over the wedding cake; Harold exacerbated the situation by still trying to feed it to the bride. Lily exploited the free sugar cookies at Harris Teeter by eating 20 of them. The Great Gatsby exemplifies great literature of the 1920’s. After being caught in the spider’s web, the fly tried to extricate itself. Jumping off the cliff and into the lagoon was an exhilarating experience. Homework: Finish Act III & notes; reading quiz tomorrow Tomorrow: - Act III Quiz - Mob Mentality Activity
- Mob Mentality Activity Agenda 12/1 Review Act II of The Crucible http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLpxwzlEzeE Homework: Finish Act III & notes; reading quiz tomorrow Tomorrow: - Act III Quiz - Mob Mentality Activity
Review Act III of The Crucible: http://englishwithgeiss. weebly Danforth: Head Judge Hathorne: Judge John Hale: Witchcraft Specialist He is beginning to believe the accusations of witchcraft are false. John Proctor: Husband of Elizabeth Had an affair with Abigail Wants to prove that the accusations of witchcraft are false Elizabeth Proctor: Wife of John Currently accused of witchcraft Pregnant with John’s child; she will not be executed immediately. Abigail Proctor: Main Accuser Wants John for herself Accused Elizabeth of witchcraft to get her killed. Mary Warrant: Housekeeper for the Proctors Was in the woods with the other girls; knows the truth. Has agreed to help John prove the accusations of witchcraft false. Very easily frightened.
2. Introduction to Unit Essay Agenda 11/24 2. Introduction to Unit Essay To complete this essay, you will need to research three forms of public humiliation used as punishment. Next you will take an overall position: it is acceptable or it is unacceptable. Then you will need to prove whether each form is acceptable or unacceptable. Is public humiliation an acceptable form of punishment?
2. Introduction to Unit Essay Agenda 11/24 2. Introduction to Unit Essay What are different forms of punishment through public humiliation? Across Cultures: Cutting hair Greece: Tolga Muliebris England: Branded “S” on the foreheads of escaped slaves and “F” on the cheeks of “fraymakers” (church brawlers) France: French Jews had to wear a round yellow badge Afghanistan: Afghan Hindus had to wear a yellow badge Germany: Star of David and Pink Triangles France, England, and US: Dunce Caps United States: Branded “D” on the faces of deserters during the Civil War United States: Prison Uniforms Yellow license plate for drunk drivers
Annotation Assignment Agenda 11/24 Annotation Assignment Students will need to… Research 4-5 examples of public humiliation as a punishment, Annotate the research, and Complete an annotative bibliography. Today we will complete the first annotation in class.