Programmable Logic Devices Lecture No. 20 Programmable Logic Devices Asalam O Aleikum students. I am Waseem Ikram. This is the twentieth lecture in a series of 45 lectures on Digital Logic Design.
Recap Demultiplexer PLDs PLD types ALU to Register Series to Parallel PROM PLA PAL GAL 3 minute
Recap PAL PLA Programming Simplified representation Programmable outputs PAL ID PLA Circuit 3 minute 6 minutes
PLA Implementing Constant 0s and 1s (fig 1) Implementing Odd-Prime Number (fig 2) 4 minutes 10 minutes
GALs Generic Array Logic structure (fig 3, 4) Output Logic Macro Cells OLMCs (fig 5) GAL ID (fig 6) Programming of GAL Boolean expression, truth table, state diagram Test vector verification Documentation and fuse map 8 minutes 18 minutes
GAL22V10 Circuit diagram (fig 7) 12 inputs 10 outputs 10 OLMCs Different number of inputs to OLMCs, 8,10,12,14,16 GAL different versions 3.3 v and In-System 4 minutes 22 minutes
GAL22V10 OLMCs Circuit diagram of OLMCs(fig 8) Combinational mode with active-low (fig 8) Combinational mode with active-high (fig 8) Registered mode with active-low Registered mode with active-high Tri-state Buffers (fig 9) Detailed connection (fig 10) Programming Boolean Expression (fig 11) 10 minutes 32 minutes