Human Population 4.2
Remember Populations? Population Biosphere- most broad level Biome Ecosystem Biological Community (Or just community) Population Organism –most basic level Population- several organisms of the same species that share the same geographic location. Ex: you are one of 500 Teenagers at Sweetwater High school.
Demography Have you ever heard of demographics? Demography- the study of human population size, density, distribution, movement, and birth/death rates.
Trends in Human Population
Trends in Human Population The rate at which the human population is growing has decreased. This is due to family size decreasing as well as the death rate. Demographic transition- a change from high birth/death rates to low birth/death rates.
Trends in Human Population Immigration- individuals moving INTO an area. Emigration- individuals moving OUT OF an area. Zero Population Growth- births+ immigration= deaths+emigration. People are leaving an area/dying at the same rate that people are coming into an area/being born. It is estimated that between 2020-2029, planet Earth will reach ZPG.
Trends in Human Population Age structure- the number of males and females in each of three age groups. Pre-reproductive Reproductive Post-reproductive
Trends in Human Population Insert age structure in human population
Trends in Human Population Carrying capacity- how many organisms an ecosystem can support. Human carrying capacity- how many humans the biosphere can support. Land use is vital to sustaining life because we need land for living, growing food, maintaining life stock, and other industry.
Trends in Human population Insert human use of resource bar graph
Key points for 4.2 Humans are like all other populations. Humans have a growth rate which includes immigration and emigration as well as a carrying capacity. It’s important that humans take steps to sustain the land and use it conservatively so that we don’t meet or surpass our carrying capacity. Closer question
Describe the relationship you see between the Spring Mice and the Fall Mice Closer