Causes of the American Revolution 1763-1775
The 13 American Colonies are under control of England’s King George III
1763- The French-Indian War Ends Opening up land west of the Appalachians to the American Colonists.
The Proclamation Line Of 1763 Forbids Colonial expansion West of the Appalachian Mts.
1764- To raise much needed income, the British pass the first direct tax upon the colonists called the Sugar Act.
Angry colonist protest and boycott English made goods.
1765- Sam Adams forms the “Sons of Liberty” to protest British treatment of the Colonies.
The colonist’s battle cry becomes, “No taxation without representation.” John Hancock The Americans have no members in the British Parliament.
1768 British troops began Arriving in Boston to suppress the colonists protests
1770- The Boston Massacre 5 unarmed civilians are killed by British troops.
1773- Parliament imposes a tax on tea sold to the colonists. Some British tax officials get tarred and feathered.
The “Sons’ of Liberty” throw a “Boston Tea Party.” December 1773 The “Sons’ of Liberty” throw a “Boston Tea Party.”
In response, the British pass the Coercive or Intolerable Acts: Port of Boston closed until tea is paid for. 2. Massachusetts becomes a royal colony under direct control of the King. 3. Quartering Act enforced- British soldiers allowed to stay in colonist homes.
The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere- April 18-19th 1775. Revere rides to warn Adams and Hancock the British are coming to arrest them. “The British are Coming.”
April 19th, 1775 –The Battle of Lexington, Mass. The “Shot heard ‘round the world.”