ONE TEAM:ONE VISION Assessment and Funding Feasibility Resource Development Group May 29, 2007
Assignment Conduct 50+ private sector interviews Depth of understanding and support for economic development agenda Test Target Goal of $1,200,000 x 5 years Identify Potential Leadership Identify Possible Funding Sources Assess possible campaign challenges Determine Steps to Implement Campaign
Interview Pool 59 interviews completed 19 of the current Top 20 Investors 44 total One Team: One Vision Investors 74% of total dollars committed 26 current One Team: One Vision, Chamber dues and Winner’s Circle 15 Non-Investors
General Support for Program of Work Key Findings General Support for Program of Work
Is Target Goal Reasonable? Key Findings Is Target Goal Reasonable?
Key Findings How do you feel about your investment Key Findings How do you feel about your investment? Would you consider increasing your investment level? Current Investors In addition, of the 15 non-investors, 9 stated their desire to participate in a new campaign
Anticipated Campaign Challenges General Confusion in Marketplace Public/Private Partnership
RDG Goal Setting Methodology Top 20 History ----$10k per year or greater Top Number? How Many Drop Off Point Base Broadening Potential
Funding Trend analysis 1998 2003 Projected 2008 Amount Raised $2,600,000 $3,000,000 $3,750,000 Number of Investors 92 101 130 Top 20 Investors $1,815,000 $1,900,000 $2,250,000 Percent of Total 69% 63% 60% 46% of assessed investors will consider an increased investment level. 4 current investors interviewed indicated they might reduce their current funding with one indicating they would not invest in a future campaign. Nine of the 15 non-investors interviewed indicated they would invest in a future campaign, 4 would consider an investment and 2 will not invest.
Top 20 Comparisons/Past Campaigns
Private Sector Revenue Potential Guarantee:$3.75 Million $750,000per year x 5 years
Comparative ED Programs Budgets
Comparative ED Programs Per Capita
How do we do it? Maximize Current Investor Potential Broaden the Base -From 100 to 130+
Campaign Leadership 3-5 Campaign Co-Chairs 10-20 Member Steering Committee ------------------------------------------- Kitchen Cabinet Small Working Group Advice, Counsel, Assistance & Oversight
Next Steps Identify and Recruit Campaign Leadership Establish programmatic benchmarks Adjust total One Team: One Vision budget and individual program allocations Create revenue matrix Develop Collateral materials
ONE TEAM:ONE VISION Assessment and Funding Feasibility Resource Development Group May 29, 2007