Simple, Compound, Complex, Compound-complex
We have to go to bed. Simple
We have to go to bed at 10 o’clock. Simple
We have to go to bed because we need sleep. Complex
When we need sleep, we have to go to bed. Complex
We have to go to bed; it’s late. Compound
There is not enough time or money. Simple
She wanted to go, but she couldn’t.
Before she left, she took out the trash; then she washed the floor. Compound-Complex
What is the meaning of friendship? Simple
I got two phone calls, but both were wrong numbers. Compound
My brother and my mother went to Argentina. Simple
She packed up her suitcase and left before he got home. Complex
While you were out, I was here by myself. Complex
Cooking is easy for some people because their parents taught them. Complex
Other people have a hard time cooking delicious food. Simple
This school has been in operation since 2006. Simple
Presidential elections occur every four years in the US, but other elections occur more often. Compound
We wanted to go home, so we packed up the car and left. Compound
Someone emptied the trash can but forgot to put in a new bag. Simple
I hate when people forget to put new trash bags in the can. Complex
If you want to come, all you have to do is ask. Complex
Turn your homework in on time unless you want to lose points. Complex
Two people worked on this project. Simple
Two people worked on this project, but it still failed. Compound
The advice was bad, so I didn’t follow it. Compound
Before using this machine, please read the instruction guide. Simple
Before you use this machine, please read the instruction guide. Complex
The store opens its doors early so that customers can come early. Complex
The store opens its doors early, so it’s easy to buy things from there. Compound
She wanted to go to the party but couldn’t. Simple
She told me her story, but I didn’t believe her because it sounded fake. Compound-Complex
I don’t want to be late because of your carelessness. Simple
He woke me up too early in the morning with his loud music. Simple
The title of the song is “Hope” because hope is important. Complex
Do you know why I called you here today? Complex
Is there a doctor in the house? Simple
Is there a doctor or a lawyer in the house? Simple
My water bottle is blue, but yours is pink. Compound
I can come if you want, but I’ll be late. Compound-Complex
April is almost half-over, and I haven’t done anything with my life! Compound
The new superhero movie is attracting crowds by the hundreds to see its special effects and great battle scene. Simple
Without a doubt, you have made a serious blunder; the consequences will be great. Compound
The chances of getting hit by lightning are very small. Simple
Now that you know sentence types, you should be able to punctuate them. Complex
She called me even though she knew that I was asleep. Complex
Karen went, and Susan went, but I did not. Compound
Sitting in the park, I began daydreaming about my future. Simple
We need to leave now unless you have a better idea. Complex
The food wasn’t good, yet I had to eat something. Compound
The roof was leaking, so it needed to be fixed. Compound
Because you lied to me, I cannot trust you, and I will not hang out with you. Compound-Complex
Her bike was stolen due to the fact that she never locks it. Complex
Since her mother is a doctor, they have a lot of money. Complex
Her mother has been a doctor since the year 2000. Simple
The papers were organized until you came in and messed them up. Complex
Don’t come in here; I’ll call the police! Compound
Why do you have such disdain for books? Simple
Her question was meant to be a snare to me, but I avoided her trap. Compound
She is so hospitable that she has a guest room clean and ready before any guests even arrive. Complex
After waiting for over two hours, finally we were allowed to go in. Simple