AfL in A-level lessons
In context Year 12 Food Science and Nutrition Prep for Controlled conditions assignment Introducing how to structure written analysis of client diet
AC 2.1 Analyse nutritional needs of specific groups Sharing of marking criteria but also giving students chance to convert into their language- establish own criteria for written prose
Written Analysis of dietary intake Nutritional analysis / individual requirements – (age, gender, medical condition) – excess/ deficiency 2. Recommendations for healthy eating – Eatwell plate/8 tips 3. % of energy from protein, carbs and fat compared to recommendations and activity level 4. GI Index 5. Time/ type of meal/ snack / portion size 6. Food production methods
As shown is figure 1.1 Shannon’s diet is very unhealthy and she is having massive percentage over the RDA for all nutrients. A calorie intake like this would possibly be suitable for an athlete, but not for a child who is having limited physical activity. She is not having the right balance for her level of activity. When you breakdown her diet, you can see which specific foods are contributing to her excess energy, protein, carbohydrate and fat intake. On a positive note, she is having breakfast which is the most important meal of the day. The breakfast contributes well to the Eatwell plate in terms of providing starchy foods, milk and dairy and fruit and vegetables, but too much sugar in the section Foods high in fat/ and or sugar. The Weetabix provides slow release carbohydrate, fibre and has added nutrients. However, the additional sugar and jam just provides extra calories, which causes an energy crash causing her to snack mid morning. Excess calories are not being used to fuel activity and hence are causing weight gain and risks of tooth decay. Shannon should have more starchy carbohydrates. Her total sugar intake throughout the day is 254% of the RDA. She is consuming 24% of her energy from sugar 11% compared to the recommended. The orange juice helps absorb the iron and she would also get a good source of calcium and vitamin D from the semi skimmed milk. Although she is having orange juice to drink, she is not having any other source of fruit to help her achieve her 5 a day recommended intake. If she was to replace the additional and sugar with fruit, perhaps a banana, this would contribute to meeting her five a day. It would prevent her energy crash by stabilizing her blood sugar levels. In addition her calorie intake would be reduced.
ADD CHANGE REPLACE Feedback Language – shows maturity and knowledge. High nutrient density, complex carbohydrate, fast burning, fortification, energy dense, consuming Why breakfast? – add fortification – fibre helps to fill her up and regulate blood sugar GI Not having an Energy balance Need for starchy carbs for slow energy release Elaborate on absorption of iron etc REPLACE
Written Analysis of dietary intake Apply the techniques we’ve learnt to write an analysis of Shannon’s lunch and afternoon snack. Successful meet criteria Further development need to meet criteria peer assessment to help move red to green dots
How confident do feel in terms of achieving the lesson objective? Exit ticket To apply knowledge and techniques to structure writing of dietary analysis. How confident do feel in terms of achieving the lesson objective? Write a question What help do you need to improve your confidence?
AfL in A-level lessons Summary of process 1) Share marking criteria with students - students convert into their language- establish agreed criteria for written prose. 2) Share criteria– coloured coded format 3) Using exemplar piece – students highlight how piece meets criteria using colour codes. 4) Differentiation using magenta principles– students to add, change, replace elements of exemplar piece. 5) Apply techniques to individual written prose. 6) Peer assessment using red/ green dots to show how work meets criteria – discuss how red dot sentences can be improved. 7) Assess confidence level – what help is needed to improve confidence level?