ORGANIZING the SPRING CONTESTS at CLUB & AREA LEVEL 2014 Jeannell Kolkman Educational, 10 January 2014 TOASTMASTERS CONTESTS
Types of speech contests Team of organizers Workflow - contest preparation Program Contest rules Resources Agenda
Types of speech contests SpringAutumn InternationalEvaluationHumorousTable Topics Club Area 25 March - Twente Area 21 March - Utrecht Area Division 12 April Division 12 April Division District International Speech Contest semi finals World Championship of Public Speaking [Tall Tales] [Taped]
What is needed for a quality Speech Contest?
Well-trained team of organizers: Contest Chair, Chief Judge and Contest Master An assisting team that knows their roles Planning Communication Interesting speeches & evaluations Suitable location Toastmasters branded materials from the virtual brand portal What is needed for a quality Speech Contest?
The team of organizers Contest Chair Contest MasterChief judge compare role with VPEcompare role with TMEcompare role with GE Target Speaker (1)Contestants (...)Judges (>5) Sergeants at Arms (>1)Calligraphist (1) Secret tie-breaking judge (1) Meet & greets (>1)Ballot counters (2) Video operator (1)Time keepers (2) Video publisher (1)
Schedule the contest with the area contests dates in mind. Announce the contest within the club. Ask members to be contestant. Ask members to fulfill a role. Workflow - 1
Plan the contest budget. Plan publicity & communication. Know and abide the contest rules. Find Judges, Timers, and Counters and inform them of their duties. Choose fair and impartial judges. For the Area Contest: find a judge from each participating club. Check eligibility and rules. Find Sergeants at Arms, Meet & Greets. Workflow - 2
During the planning phase of a speech contest, it is important for the Contest Master to know the rules. Make sure the contestants sign the Elegibility Form. Advise contestants to check what they will be judged on. - Send them the Judges Guide and Ballot (Item 1172) Direct contestants to online resources, such as: and the e-learning speech contest module ( Speech Contestants
Judging is different from evaluating on a regular Toastmasters evening. Discuss bias and fairness. Review the rules. Conduct training workshops for speech contest judges. Review Speech Contest Judges Training (Item 1190). What could a chief judge do to prepare contest judges for their role?
Toastmasters branded Awards
Judging criteria Speech development Effectiveness Speech Value Physical Voice Manner Appropriate-ness Correctness Analytical Quality Recommen- dations Technique Summation
Program - before the meeting Contest ChairOverlooking the whole contest Sergeant at ArmsSetting room Contest Master Briefing contestants Drawing lots Chief JudgeBriefing judges & counters
Program - during the meeting (suggestion only!) Sergeant at Arms President Contest Chair Chief Judge Opens meeting Welcomes guests Certifies eligibility speakers and judges Explains rules Contest Master 1st Contest Introduces Target Speaker Introduces Contestants Contest MasterInterviews ContestantsChief Judge Collects & counts ballots Contest Master 2nd Contest Introduces Target Speaker Introduces Contestants Contest MasterInterviews ContestantsChief Judge Collects & counts ballots Contest Master Award Ceremony Ask winner to participate in Area Contest Chief Judge Validates outcome Photos & drinks
Club officers can turn to - area governors (Nichol Brummer) and - division governors (Marike Dijksterhuis) as the first resource for answers to questions about speech contests. Speech Contest Resources for Clubs Search for: Speech Contest Module at
Workflow checklist
Contest languages, number of winners International Speech Club Contest Evaluation Club Contest EnglishDutchEnglishDutch Almere Toastmasters 11-1 Amersfoort Toastmasters 11-1 Apeldoorn Toastmasters* ---- Epe Toastmasters* 1111 Gouden Raad Toastmasters -1 (?)-- NOA Toastmasters Club -1-- Twente Toastmasters 1111 U-Speak! ???? Utrecht Toastmasters 1-11 Number of contestants for Area >>5 à 65 à 73 à 45 à 6
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