SOCIAL STUDIES GRADE THREE –CONNECTICUT GEOGRAPHY Interpret a map Using a Map Major Cities Connecticut Physical and Cultural Characteristics Rivers Content Vocabulary: scale key compass rose cardinal directions intermediate directions global address Connecticut River Long Island Sound Atlantic Ocean climate state capital Long Island Sound Measure distance Give directions Connecticut Geography Hartford Long Island Sound Connecticut in the United States Influence of the Environment Connecticut River Bordering states Location Essential Understandings/Questions: Estimate distances between two places on a map, using a scale of miles, and use cardinal and intermediate directions when referring to relative location. Locate Connecticut on a map of the United States; indicate the state capital, major cities, rivers, and bordering states of Connecticut; and be able to place these on a blank map of the state. Identify physical and cultural characteristics of Connecticut. Read and interpret thematic maps – such as transportation, population, and products to acquire information about Connecticut in the present and the past. Identify the influence of the environment on the people of Connecticut and identify the influence of the people of Connecticut on the environment.