2019 Engineering Apprenticeships at Delphi Technologies Apprenticeship Recruitment Open Day - Wednesday February 13th 2019 12.00 – 8.00pm Are you looking for a career in high-precision engineering? Looking to develop skills that will place you amongst the very best in the field? Working for a world class company which is a leader in its field? Then we would like to meet you… Delphi Technologies Ltd, are looking for 15 enthusiastic young people to join our 2019 apprenticeship training programme to become our engineers of the future. Prospective applicants, parents, school and college parties are invited to visit our Stonehouse site to tour the facility, meet our existing apprentices, find out more about Delphi and our advanced apprenticeship programmes. For more information or an application pack please contact: Gary Miller Training & Development Manager, Delphi Technologies , Brunel Way, Stonehouse, Gloucestershire, GL10 3SX. : 01453 793736 / 07800531873 @: gary.miller@delphi.com Closing date for apprenticeship applications: Friday, March 29th 2019