Expert Group on the Birds and Habitats Directives “NADEG” 22-23.5.2018 Brussels Agenda item 13 The EU Strategic Approach to Raptor Conservation under the Raptors MoU
Priority B, Action 7: Implement in the EU the Raptors Memorandum of Understanding (by 2017-2019)
Draft EU Strategic Approach to Raptor Conservation Describes how raptor conservation within EU is implemented through existing EU framework in particular through the Birds Directive Covers all regularly occurring raptors in the EU; 52 species
The draft document focuses on the implementation of the MoU Action Plan six principal activities: Improvement of legal protection Protect and/or manage important sites and flyways Habitat conservation and sustainable management Raise awareness of problems faced by birds of prey and measures needed to conserve them Monitor bird of prey populations, carry out conservation research and take appropriate remedial measures Supporting measures
Contents 17 detailed actions corresponding to 6 MoU Action Plan principle activities
For the statistics of the draft document e. g For the statistics of the draft document e.g. the following data has been used: Article 12 reporting data EU Red List of Birds Natura 2000 database IBA LIFE projects targeting raptors
Over 200 LIFE projects 1992-2016 Gypaetus barbatus & Falco naumanni
Next steps You are welcome to provide comments until 30 June 2018 EC will finalise the document and submits it to the co-ordination unit of the Raptors MoU Member States are encouraged to prepare national raptor strategies or equivalent
Thank you! ©Petri Ahlroth