Animals – Part 2
Mollusca Bilateral symmetry Unsegmented, usually have a defined head Main parts include: a muscular foot, a head, and a visceral mass (contains organs) Live in oceans, freshwater, and on land
Cone Snail 400 to 500 species of cone snaill mollusks harmful to humans - deadly nerve poisons Hunt prey with a muscular, retractable proboscis that has a mouth, a salivary gland, and teeth.
Chambered Nautilus The Chambered Nautilus is a “living fossil” – a member Of the cephalopods which includes octopus and squid. Close relatives date back 100’s of millions of years. It propels itself close to the sea floor by shooting water from its movable siphon.
Squid & Octopus Phylum Mollusca
Arthropoda Phylum includes 2/3 of all named species Exoskeletons made of chitin—shed as the animal grows Segmented – head, thorax, abdomen Mouth and anus for digestion Developed special appendages Antennae for sensing environment Legs for walking or jumping, defense Wings for flying Mouthparts for chewing, piercing, sucking
5 Main Classes of Arthropods Chilopoda Insecta Arachnida Crustacea Diplopoda
Arthropoda - Insecta Stink bug hawkmoth King cricket butterfly fly dragonfly
Scorpions The male and female scorpion sort of dance around each other. The male drops the sperm packet; the female places it in her genital opening. After mating, the male may be eaten by the female. The female stores the sperm until an optimal time for fertilization. There are no eggs; the little scorpions develop and then move to the mother’s back for about a week.
Crustaceans Barnacles Lobster Crabs Water fleas - Daphnia Horseshoe Crabs Candy Stripe Shrimp The Phylum Of Arthropods Crabs Water fleas - Daphnia
Echinodermata Echinoderm means ‘spiny skin’ in Greek Endoskeleton – skeleton inside of skin Able to regenerate Radial symmetry Thousands of feet for moving across the seafloor
Sea Urchins and Starfish Green Sea Urchins – Galapagos
Underside of Starfish Note tube feet Larva of starfish
Sand dollars, sea biscuits & sea cucumbers Live ↓ The adult body is long and soft, with a muscular wall. The retractile tentacles around the mouth represent modified tube feet. Spines and rays are all lacking. Echinoderms
What is a vertebrate? Spinal cord - Vertebrates have a spinal column (vertebrae) to protect this Internal skeleton Many have jaws, paired appendages, lungs, 4 limbs Includes jawless fish, carilaginous fish, bony fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals Phylum Chordata
Jawless fish Have no jaw, lack vertebrae, skeletons of fiber & cartilage Hagfish Lamprey – “vampire of the sea”
Cartilaginous fish Lack true bone, skeleton built of cartilage Paired fins, scales, gills Includes sharks, skates, and rays Grey nurse shark Hammerhead shark
Bony Fish Live in fresh water and salt water Skeletons are made of true bone Live in fresh water and salt water
Amphibians Amphibian means “double life” because they live in water as larvae and on land as adults Larvae breathe through skin and gills Most adult species breathe with lungs, lack scales and claws, have moist skin that has mucous glands Reproduce through laying eggs without shells
Amphibians Cane Toad Poison dart frog Newts Salamanders
Birds and Reptiles Reptiles have dry, scaly skin. Birds have feathers and wings.
Mammals 4 chambered hearts, lungs, kidneys Internal fertilization Hair and mammary glands Flexible backbone