Munajāt of Imam ‘Ali (a) The Night of Prayer Munajāt of Imam ‘Ali (a)
The Holy Prophet (s) says: And when the servant (of Allah) turns to His master in the middle of the night and does Munajat, Allah will illuminate his heart. And when he says My Lord, the Most Majestic will respond saying, ‘Here I am, O My servant, ask Me and I will give you, and rely on Me, I will be sufficient for you.’ Then Allah (swt) turns to the Angels and says: My angels! Look at my servant! He has turned to me in the middle of the night, while the idle ones are oblivious, and the heedless ones are sleeping. Bear witness that I have forgiven him.
بِسْمِ اللّٰهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيْم In the Name of Allah, the most Kind, the most Merciful
اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلى مُحَمَّدٍ وَآلِ مُحَمَّدٍ اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلى مُحَمَّدٍ وَآلِ مُحَمَّدٍ Allah bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad.
O Allah, I ask You for protection on the day when Property will not avail, nor sons, except he who comes with a heart free from evil (Q 26:88) The unjust one will bite his hands saying: O would that I had taken a way with the Messenger (Q 25:27) The guilty shall be recognized by their marks, so they shall be seized by the forelocks and the feet (Q 55:41)
O Allah, I ask You for protection on the day when A father shall not give any satisfaction for his son nor shall the child give any satisfaction for his father, Surely the promise of Allah is true (Q 31:33) The unjust shall not benefit from their excuse and for them is a curse and for them is the evil abode (Q 40:52) No soul shall control anything for another soul and the command on that day shall be entirely Allah’s (Q 82:19)
O Allah, I ask You for protection on the day when when a man shall flee from his brother, and his mother, his father, his spouse, and his children, each one of them on that day will have a concern which will occupy him.(Q 80:34) when the guilty will wish to redeem himself from the chastisement of that day by (sacrificing) his children, and the near of kin who gave him shelter and all those that are in the earth (wising) that this might deliver him. by no means! Surely it is a flaming fire, dragging by the head (Q 70:11-16)
مَوْلَايَ يَا مَوْلَا My Master, O my Master! You are the Master and I am the servant and who can have mercy on the servant except the Master?
مَوْلَايَ يَا مَوْلَا My Master, O my Master! You are the Possessor and I am the possessed and who can have mercy on the possessed except the Possessor?
مَوْلَايَ يَا مَوْلَا My Master, O my Master! You are the Mighty, I am the low, and who can have mercy on the low except the Mighty?
مَوْلَايَ يَا مَوْلَا My Master, O my Master! You are the Creator, and I am the created, and who can have mercy on the created except the Creator?
مَوْلَايَ يَا مَوْلَا My Master, O my Master! You are the Tremendous and I am the insignificant, and who can have mercy on the insignificant except the Tremendous?
مَوْلَايَ يَا مَوْلَا My Master, O my Master! You are the Strong and I am the weak, and who can have mercy on the weak except the Strong?
مَوْلَايَ يَا مَوْلَا My Master, O my Master! You are the Needless and I am the needy, and who can have mercy on the needy except the Needless?
مَوْلَايَ يَا مَوْلَا My Master, O my Master! You are the Giver and I am the beggar, and who can have mercy on the beggar except the Giver?
مَوْلَايَ يَا مَوْلَا My Master, O my Master! You are the Ever-Living and I am the one who will die, and who can have mercy on the one who will die except the Ever-Living?
مَوْلَايَ يَا مَوْلَا My Master, O my Master! You are the Eternal and I am the transient, and who can have mercy on the transient except the Eternal?
مَوْلَايَ يَا مَوْلَا My Master, O my Master! You will live last permanently and I will go away, and who can have mercy on the one wh will go away except the one who will live last permanently?
مَوْلَايَ يَا مَوْلَا My Master, O my Master! You are the Provider of sustenance and I am the one provided for, and who can have mercy on the one provided for except the Provider?
مَوْلَايَ يَا مَوْلَا My Master, O my Master! You are the Generous and I am the stingy, and who can have mercy on the stingy except the Generous?
مَوْلَايَ يَا مَوْلَا My Master, O my Master! You are the Reliever and I am the afflicted, and who can have mercy on the afflicted except the Reliever?
مَوْلَايَ يَا مَوْلَا My Master, O my Master! You are the Reliever and I am the afflicted, and who can have mercy on the afflicted except the Reliever?
مَوْلَايَ يَا مَوْلَا My Master, O my Master! You are the Great and I am the insignificant, and who can have mercy on the insignificant except the Great?
مَوْلَايَ يَا مَوْلَا My Master, O my Master! You are the Guide and I am the one lost, and who can have mercy on the one lost except the Guide?
مَوْلَايَ يَا مَوْلَا My Master, O my Master! You are the Merciful and I am the one shown mercy, and who can have mercy on the one shown mercy except the Merciful?
مَوْلَايَ يَا مَوْلَا My Master, O my Master! You are the Authority and I am the one examined, and who can have mercy on the one examined except the Authority?
مَوْلَايَ يَا مَوْلَا My Master, O my Master! You are the Proof and I am the confused, and who can have mercy on the confused except the Proof?
مَوْلَايَ يَا مَوْلَا My Master, O my Master! You are the Forgiver and I am the sinner, and who can have mercy on the sinner except the Forgiver?
مَوْلَايَ يَا مَوْلَا My Master, O my Master! You are the Victorious and I am the defeated, and who can have mercy on the defeated except the Victorious?
مَوْلَايَ يَا مَوْلَا My Master, O my Master! You are the Cherisher and I am the cherished, and who can have mercy on the cherished except the Cherisher?
مَوْلَايَ يَا مَوْلَا My Master, O my Master! You are the Sublime and I am the submissive, and who can have mercy on the submissive except the Sublime?
مَوْلَايَ يَا مَوْلَا My Master, O my Master! Have mercy on me through Your mercy, and be pleased with me through Your generosity
And Your grace and Your favours, O Posessor of Generosity and Favour And Might and Gratitude
By Your Mercy O the most Merciful of the Mercifuls