News You Can Use Homework Upcoming Events A Peek at Our Week January 7-11, 2018 Upcoming Events A Peek at Our Week January 10 – Report cards go home January 18 – 100th day of school January 21 – Holiday January 25 – Party with the Principal Yearbooks are now available to order, online only. Cost is $27.00. Click on the yearbook link on Northside’s website, and you will order under Pearl Lower Elementary. When you place your order, please make sure to indicate your child’s grade and teacher name. Reading: text based answers; main idea and details; moral/central message; literal and nonliteral language; sequencing; compare/contrast; point of view Language Arts: conjunctions; simple, compound, and complex sentences; commas in addresses Spelling: Consonant + -le Syllable Type Math: Vocabulary – Unit 7 Homework accuse – to say that someone or something has done wrong; blame clever – having or showing a quick mind; bright, smart coast – the land near the sea or ocean; to move along without any power or effort; to slide down a slope delicate – easily broken or damaged; requiring care or skill explore – to travel; to discover; to look into or study something imitate – to copy someone’s movements or expressions; to appear like something else pierce – to make a hole or opening; to run into or through something, as with a pointed tool or weapon rare – not often found, seen, or happening; unusually valuable symbol – something that stands for something else; a written sign that is used to represent an operation or a calculation triumph – an important success or win; a feeling of happiness that comes from winning; to succeed Monday: No school Tuesday: ELA – Reading worksheet Spelling – p. 100 Vocabulary – study Math – Workbook pages 177 and 178 Wednesday: Spelling – p. 102 Math - See planner Thursday: Spelling & Vocabulary – p. 105 - Study (Test Friday) Math – Workbook pages 179 and 180 ******Homework is always subject to change.****** Please see your child’s planner for any changes. Math Vocabulary – Lesson 16 Equivalent Fractions – two or more fractions that name the same part of a whole or the same point on a number line. We will also be using Fraction, Numerator, Denominator, and Unit Fraction from lessons 14 and 15 To connect with us on Remind 101 Mrs. Dance-Gatlin - TEXT @bdancemath to 81010 Mrs. Price - TEXT @e7248c to 81010 Spelling – Lesson 14 1. stumble 11. vehicle 2. quibble 12. ankle 3. gentle 13. resemble 4. wobble 14. grumble 5. struggle 15. snuggle 6. dwindle 16. humble 7. twinkle 17. tremble 8. quadruple 18. dangle 9. bundle 19. noble 10. trample 20. muffle