Welcome to Fabulous Fourth Grade! By coming here tonight, you have taken a huge step in helping your child succeed in school. It is proven that the majority of the students do much better in school when at least one parent is actively involved in their education!
Highlights of Fourth Grade: High Five/Bucket Fillers Be responsible, kind, respectful, safe, and cooperative Force Field for Good Service Squad Buddies Field Trips (*ICHAT every year*) Lansing R.I.F Hearing Screening Homework/Planner Please continue signing the planner every night. Students will be given an opportunity to finish homework during class recess. Testing (NWEA, M-Step) Healthy breakfast, water bottle, good night’s sleep, sweater, positive attitude! THE FOURTH GRADE TEAM! Mrs. Fletcher, Mrs. Kazdan, and Miss Losey Behind the scenes: Meeting before school, after school, and lunch Teamwork – Life Skill All Subject Areas Cooperative Teaching, Flexible grouping E-Mails GO - BOARD! K 2
Standards-Based grading Standards-based grading informs parents on how students are performing on the Common Core State Standards by reporting the most recent, consistent level of performance. 4: Mastering grade level expectations 3: Shows proficient progress 2: Developing 1: Area of concern L
READING WORKSHOP! MAISA Units / Mentor Texts All students will become proficient in reading informational and narrative text. MAISA Units / Mentor Texts Launching strong reading habits Analyzing characters Informational reading Interpretive and analytic reading Historical fiction Informational reading research L 4
READING WORKSHOP! Make Connections, Ask Questions, & Make Predictions Visualize, Summarize, & Infer Draw conclusions & Determine Main Idea Recognize Text Structure Repair Comprehension (Does it make sense?) Retell (character, setting, problem, solution, main idea, theme) SQUIP 40 Books before 5th Grade! L
All students will become proficient in science. Science Process and Next Gen Standards Mystery Science Hands on Science Units Sept: Magnets and Electricity Nov: Ecosystems Jan: Land and Water April: Energy Works L
WRITING WORKSHOP! All students will become proficient in narrative, expository, and persuasive writing. Realistic Fiction Persuasive Essays Literary Non-Fiction, Personal Expertise Literary Essay Informational Research Writing Building and Writing Poetry Anthology F 7
SPELLING AND GRAMMAR! Word Study New words assigned and Check-in every two weeks (Words their Way) Daily Language Review Grammar, Usage, Mechanics F
SOCIAL STUDIES! Geography History Government Economy Maps, charts, timelines, tables Current Events / Scholastic News MAISA Units and Regions Text Book F
MATH! Operations and Algebraic Thinking 35 = 5 x 7 Number and Operations in Base Ten 700 ÷ 10 = 70 Number and Operations – Fractions ⅜ = ⅛ + ⅛ + ⅛ Measurement and Data 4 ft. = 48 in. Geometry ♡⇭ symmetrical K
PROBLEM SOLVING STRATEGIES! Draw a diagram or a picture Make an organized list Make a table/graph Solve a simpler problem Write a number sentence Process of elimination Make a model Find a pattern Predict and test Guess and check Work backward Logical reasoning K
All students will become proficient in mathematics. Mathematical Practices Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. I can solve problems without giving up! Reason abstractly and quantitatively. I can think about numbers in many ways. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. I can explain my thinking and try to understand others. Model with mathematics. I can show my work in many ways. Use appropriate tools strategically. I can use math tools and tell why I chose them. Attend to precision. I can work carefully and check my work. Look for and make use of structure. I can use what I know to solve new problems. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. I can solve problems by looking for rules and patterns. K 12
We look forward to a wonderful year working with you and your child! The best way to contact us is through e-mail! Mary.fletcher@royaloakschools.org Amy.kazdan@royaloakschools.org Madalyn.losey@royaloakschools.org K 13