Year 4 Autumn 2 Raging Rivers and Fantastic Pharaohs Music Science Ukelele lessons with an expert Numeracy Identify a line of symmetry of a 2D shape Identify a line of symmetry of a pattern and for a diagram of a reflection Use a line of symmetry to produce a symmetrical pattern Use a line of symmetry to complete a symmetrical shape Know that a shape and its reflection are congruent Know and use the names of special types of triangle Know and use the names of special types of quadrilateral Compare and classify 2D shapes using given categories; e.g. number of sides, symmetry Science Animals including Humans Human and animal teeth The human digestive system Animal diets and digestion Anaimnal food chains Religious Education People of Faith Computing E- safety Micro-bits and coding Year 4 Autumn 2 Raging Rivers and Fantastic Pharaohs Art/DT Make an Egyptian cartouche Create an Egyptian necklace Make King Tut’s death mask Make and test a shaduf Literacy: The Village that Vanished Based on their reading and discussion of the book, children will: develop their knowledge of storytelling language and their skills as storytellers appreciate how the illustrations in a picture book contribute to the narrative learn how to frame convincing arguments through participation in a structured debate extend and refine their views of heroes and heroism by considering these qualities in a different cultural context. Physical Education Hockey Geography Egyptian Agriculture and farming The River Nile History Ancient Egyptian Jewellery Daily Egyptian life (in ancient Egyptian times) Comparing ancient and modern Egypt