Cupar North Sustainable Cupar 03/04/2019
Sustainable Cupar FAB (Fruit and Blossom) Transport Energy Book club We are a SCIO (Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation) with 74 members and 10 trustees. We have the following sub-groups: FAB (Fruit and Blossom) Transport Energy Book club Cupar North 03/04/2019
Cupar North A large area has been allocated for development in the Local Development Plan (LDP): 1,400 houses Industrial park Primary school Amenity space Relief road Strategic Development Area (SDA) 03/04/2019
Master Plan Road network Path network Public transport Before work starts a master plan must be produced showing how people, work, and the environment are integrated in a sustainable way: Road network Path network Public transport Access for recycling, emergency services, etc. Zones (housing, industrial, schooling, recreation) Produced by development consortium (not Fife Council) 03/04/2019
Possible negative impacts Potential pressure on existing infrastructure and services including: Education Roads Public transport Drainage, sewerage and flood protection Hospital and sheltered housing Possible loss of business due to relief road 03/04/2019
Possible positive impacts Potential benefits: Less through traffic when relief road completed More customers for existing businesses Job creation in new retail outlets and school Carbon efficiency via integrated and retrofitted heat network Reduction in per capita carbon footprint Exemplar of sustainable living 03/04/2019
Sustainable Cupar proposal A sustainable development (a statutory requirement), based on 'Village homes' and others. Key points: Double sided housing Greenways Housing orientation Narrow streets, shared space, filtered permeability Natural drainage Edible landscaping Amenity space 03/04/2019
Sustainable transport A comprehensive and safe path network to encourage community spirit: Discourage car use by providing indirect route into town Minimal shared surface for vehicles Shared front garden space for safe path network Shared amenity space and safe play areas 03/04/2019
Green arterial path A continuous, safe path around the existing town must be built before any other development. For traversing Cupar North For access into town centre Red dotted line is arterial path 03/04/2019
Relief road and existing infrastructure Relief road must be used for all new development access. Must have safe links into the town. Radial roads terminated: at the arterial path (greenway) near the centre of town Existing streets: one way shared space wider pavements/cycle paths 03/04/2019
House layout Houses have access from the front and the back: Houses front on to path network (Greenway) Private gardens and off street car parking at the rear Mixed tenure (affordable/social/private housing intermixed) 03/04/2019
Estate layout Filtered permeability for pedestrians, cyclists and mobility scooters: Separate path network Shared space cul-de-sacs. Greenways Interlaced with Cul-de-sacs (GIC) 03/04/2019
GIC example 03/04/2019
Super Efficient Buildings Passive House as standard (heating demand 15kWh/m2/a) South orientation default for solar access On district heat network Appropriate shading to prevent overheating 03/04/2019
Darnstadt Passive house Craigrothie Passive House Blebocraigs BRE Demonstrator 03/04/2019
150 passive house development Herefordshire By Archihaus 03/04/2019
Cupar Heat Network Cupar’s own Heating + Cooling Network Anaerobic Digestion plant Solar powered heat pump on sewer (integrated solar PV on roofs) Inter-seasonal heat store (sugar beet silo or underground) Biomas (Elmwood), fossil fuel (Bell Baxter for peak loads) Synergy Environ – Feasibility Study 03/04/2019
Anaerobic Digester Economic Benefit: cheap low carbon heat and cool organic matter disposal (Food waste regulations tightening, distillers/ brewers/ any business with organic waste) prolonged growing season chilling facility job creation 03/04/2019
Green spaces, drainage SUDS and Flood protection: Narrow streets – minimise non permeable surface area Greenways – open planted swales, edible landscape Rain water harvesting 03/04/2019
Public transport It is vital that everyone has easy access to public transport: Path network to access buses Regular bus service to town centre, railway station and industrial park 03/04/2019
Sustainable economics Cupar North will take many years to complete: Phasing of development Funding of infrastructure (arterial path and relief road) Environmental management Attracting new business 03/04/2019
Engagement with developers Cupar must have its say: Development consortium will draw up master plan Community need to engage with the developers Important that we present a united front 03/04/2019
Q & A Website: Facebook: Sustainable Cupar Twitter: @Sustain_Cupar 03/04/2019