Bismi Allah Ar Rahman Ar Raheem


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Presentation transcript:

Bismi Allah Ar Rahman Ar Raheem Ayah 35 Surah An Nur Happy Land for Islamic Teachings

Surah An Nur Ayah 35 How many kinds of Nur e makhlooqi do we have? What are they? Surah An Nur Ayah 35 What is the main idea of ayah noor? What is the purpose of the niche/mishkat? niche glass lamp Handout-1 Happy Land for Islamic Teachings

-strated through chest What is “shajarah mubarakah” stands for? Niche (Chest) Iman is demon -strated through chest What is “noorun alaa noor”? What is the purpose of the niche/mishkat? Handout-2 Happy Land for Islamic Teachings

It is a verse that is very hard to explain. Out of the more than 6000 verses of Qur’an this verse has been commented on the most. There are more books on this ayah than on any other ayah. We understand that Allah is noor himself but we do not know how. we learn from a hadith that Allah’s Hijab is the door if it was lifted then the light that comes from it will destroy everything that is exposed to that light. Allah is noor. How - we do not know and we do not think. When Musa alaih salam asked to see Allah, a part of Allah’s Noor destroyed the mountain. From Yasir Qadhi notes (ayah an noor) Happy Land for Islamic Teachings

اَللّٰهُ 1 2 3 He is the creator of light. The light comes from Him. The light of guidance comes from him. The light also refers to i’man and hidayah. Qur’an has been called light. Nooron Mubeena. Allah also calls the messenger of Allah light and the message of Islam as light. We believe that the names of Allah are the noor of samawati wal ardh. 1 اَللّٰهُ نُوۡرُ السَّمٰوٰتِ وَالۡاَرۡضِ Allahu noor us samawati wal ardu 2 3 Happy Land for Islamic Teachings

نُوۡرُ السَّمٰوٰتِ وَالۡاَرۡضِ اَللّٰهُ نُوۡرُ السَّمٰوٰتِ وَالۡاَرۡضِ Allahu noor us samawati wal ardu Happy Land for Islamic Teachings

There are two kinds of noor There are two kinds of noor. Noor e haqiqi-ghayr mukhlooq noor e mukhlooqi. As-suddi said concerning the ayah: اللَّهُ نُورُ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ allah is the light of the heavens and the earth "by his light the heavens and earth are illuminated." This does not mean that allah is present in the heavens and the earth but it means that the heavens and the earth and everything that is in it, allah has guided us to them. He is the creator of everything. Noor e mukhlooq is of two kinds. 1. Hissi, 2, manvi. “Hissi” is sun, star, sun, moon etc, “manvi” is noor of iman, ilm, hidayaah, Happy Land for Islamic Teachings

مَثَلُ نُوۡرِهٖ كَمِشۡكٰوةٍ فِيۡهَا مِصۡبَاحٌ ؕ )mathalu noorihi(: According to Ibn Abbass the example of His light is the light of Iman that lives in the q’alb of a momin. There are many other interpretations for this but the most mainstream is the one we hear from Ibn Abbass mouth. And that is that ayat an nur is a metaphor for the i’man in the heart of a believer. مَثَلُ نُوۡرِهٖ كَمِشۡكٰوةٍ فِيۡهَا مِصۡبَاحٌ ؕ الۡمِصۡبَاحُ فِىۡ زُجَاجَةٍ ؕ اَلزُّجَاجَةُ كَاَنَّهَا كَوۡكَبٌ دُرِّىٌّ يُّوۡقَدُ مِنۡ شَجَرَةٍ مُّبٰـرَكَةٍ Happy Land for Islamic Teachings

مَثَلُ نُوۡرِهٖ كَمِشۡكٰوةٍ فِيۡهَا مِصۡبَاحٌ ؕ The example of his light is like: مَثَلُ نُوۡرِهٖ كَمِشۡكٰوةٍ فِيۡهَا مِصۡبَاحٌ ؕ الۡمِصۡبَاحُ فِىۡ زُجَاجَةٍ ؕ اَلزُّجَاجَةُ كَاَنَّهَا كَوۡكَبٌ دُرِّىٌّ يُّوۡقَدُ مِنۡ شَجَرَةٍ مُّبٰـرَكَةٍ A lamp on a crevice/niche. niche The purpose of a mishkat /niche is two folds, to protect the candle and to focus the light of the candle outwards. glass This is referred to as the chest of a believer. lamp The lamp/candle represents iman. Where is this candle, it is inside a glass. This glass is the q’alb of a momin. Happy Land for Islamic Teachings

Iman is manifests through the chest Actions through tongue Niche (Chest) Iman is manifests through the chest Actions through hands Actions through other body parts All good deeds The purpose of the chest/niche is to focus the iman/lamp and project the light out and also to protect iman. mishkat - body or chest area of a momin, misbah - i’man, zujajah - q’alb of a momin Happy Land for Islamic Teachings

Q’alb is like glass. Glass are of different types Q’alb is like glass. Glass are of different types. Some glass are very fragile and break quickly and then there are some glass that are stronger than steel. Some glass are see through. What they say is what they believe and then there are some glass are dirty and mirky like the hearts of hypocrites. Allah compares q’alb with glass. It is a beautiful metaphor. Our Prophet salullahu alaih wassallam has said that Allah has put vessels in this world. Those vessels are the q’alb of his believers. Happy Land for Islamic Teachings

As for the covered heart, this is the heart of the disbeliever "The Messenger of Allah said: Hearts are of four kinds: the heart that is clear like a shining lamp; the heart that is covered and tied up; the heart that is upside-down; and the heart that is clad in armor. As for the clear heart, it is the heart of the believer in which is a lamp filled with light; As for the covered heart, this is the heart of the disbeliever As for the upside-down heart, this is the heart of the hypocrite, who recognizes then denies; As for the armor-clad heart, this is the heart in which there is both faith and hypocrisy. The parable of the faith in it is that of legume, a sprout that is irrigated with good water, and the likeness of the hypocrisy in it is that of sores that are fed by blood and pus. Whichever of the two prevails is the characteristic that will dominate. Happy Land for Islamic Teachings

Happy Land for Islamic Teachings

Where does this lamp get’s it’s oil from? shajarah mubarakah is the tree of i’man. in this ayah Allah is telling us that the oil is coming from the shajarah mubarakah (blessed tree). Some of the Sahabaas have explained this as the tree of i’man. So the oil for that lantern is coming from the tree of i’man. This is the Olive Tree. يُّوۡقَدُ مِنۡ شَجَرَةٍ مُّبٰـرَكَةٍ زَيۡتُوۡنَةٍ لَّا شَرۡقِيَّةٍ وَّلَا غَرۡبِيَّةٍ ۙ it is not a tree from this world. it is not a tree on earth. it is from Allah as it is a tree of Iman. It is beyond this world يَّـكَادُ زَيۡتُهَا يُضِىۡٓءُ وَلَوۡ لَمۡ تَمۡسَسۡهُ نَارٌ ؕ the light that comes from this oil is such that it gives light even when a match has not touched it. So the tree of iman is giving you oil which his being used to light your heart and the heart has the candle which is the iman. Then the body manifests that iman. The body acts on that Iman. The heart of the believer in its purity and clarity is likened to a lamp in transparent and jewel-like glass, and the Qur'an and Shariah by which it is guided are likened to good, pure, shining oil in which there is no impurity or deviation. Happy Land for Islamic Teachings

يَهۡدِى اللّٰهُ لِنُوۡرِهٖ مَنۡ يَّشَآءُ نُوۡرٌ عَلٰى نُوۡرٍ The first light is the light of Allah and the Qur’an and the second light is the light that is in the iman in the heart of the believer Qur’an(nur)+ iman in the heart of a believer (nur) the Qur’an gives nur to our nur of iman. both are from Allah يَهۡدِى اللّٰهُ لِنُوۡرِهٖ مَنۡ يَّشَآءُ it is Allah who sends guidance through Qur’an and it is Allah who puts iman in one’s heart. وَ يَضۡرِبُ اللّٰهُ الۡاَمۡثَالَ لِلنَّاسِ ؕ وَاللّٰهُ بِكُلِّ شَىۡءٍ عَلِيۡمٌ Happy Land for Islamic Teachings