Financial Directorate Customizing e-learning with development of new plugins for goverment institution Mgr. Lukáš Čelinák Financial Directorate of the Slovak Republic Hello, my name is Lukas Celinak. Im from Slovakia, if you know, Slovakia is that small dot in the cetral Europe. I’m working on projects for Financial directorate of Slovak republic as LMS Moodle administrator and LMS Moodle plugins developer.
Education of Financial Admistration of Slovak Republic Financial administration academy provides education for more than 9000 employees: 2500 custom officiers 6500 tax officiers Financial Directorate is the head institution for Financial Administration of Slovak Republic. Financial Directorate provides education for more than 9000 tax and custom officers trough Financial administration academy.
E-learning system of Financial Administration of Slovak Republic LMS Moodle v. 3.5.2 On average 500 unique logins per day Financial administration academy is using LMS Moodle education portal for full e-learning courses and as support for daily trainings and courses. LMS Moodle is regularly up to date. Actually it is on version 3.5.2. The main education portal has on average 500 unique visitors per day.
Management of daily courses and trainings Education and trainings of custom officers Scheduling of the custom officers trainings Used the Scheduler activity module Education of emploeyees of financial administration Scheduling of custom and tax officiers education Developed module Timetable based on module Scheduler Financial administration academy used LMS Moodle plugin Scheduler for scheduling the custom officers shooting trainings and physical trainings. The first customization of Scheduler has been result evidence and evaluation from shooting exams and physical exams. Financial administration academy needed to schedule education of all employees, then has been developed new module Timetable.
Timetable module development Timetable is based on Scheduler. The concept of user attending’s to the events is same, but Timetable is more integrated in to the LMS Moodle and in the LMS Moodle Courses. For example, Timetable can generate groups and groupings based on user attending’s on dates of learning activities, timetable can enroll attended users to the selected courses, learning activity dates may be connected to the feedbacks.
Functions of Timetable System based on data from HR databases Activity module with learning activities dates Users sign up on the dates of learning activities Teachers evidence Document printing E-mail generating Reports Timetable provides user attending’s based on data from human resources databases. Timetable provides management of teacher attending’s. The new functions are document printing and e-mail generation for every learning activity date. Timetable builds also reports from all education data.
User roles in Timetable Administrator Organizer Teacher Employee (student) Timetable has four main user roles, which are used in education management. Administrator has full access to all features. Organizer can create learning activity dates, attend users and teachers to the dates, generate and send e-mails to all users attended to the learning activity, print documents for every learning acidity. Teacher can view all users attended to learning activity, confirm the attendance of users and print the participation list. Employee can attend to the learning activity or disattend from the learning activity dates.
Timetable learning activities dates This is the organizer view of learning activities dates. Organizer can see everything about dates, he can edit all information for the learning activity date, or he can create new learning activity date. The learning activity date has id, which is used as name, if it is generated group in course. Then you see the name of learning activity, date, timing, attended students and free places in the classroom, contact, that’s the organizer, attended teachers, status of learning activity and that lock is for allow or forbid the attendings by students. The restrictions are similar to the Moodle activity conditions, can be setted up for every date of learning activity by organizer. Timetable has his own classroom management.
Users attending to learning activity dates Possibility to add restriction based on HR databases This is the student view. Student can see all necessarily information of the learning activity date, can attend or disattend to the date by clicking on the checkbox.
Teacher’s evidence Timetable is using Autocomplete from Moodle Form API for user attendings as students or as teachers, builded with new instance of ajax function.
E-mail messages Generating and sending of e-mails to: Employees attended to learning activity dates Head employees of employees attended to learning activity dates Teachers Organizer can generate and send e-mail for every learning activity to all appointed employees, to their head employees and to the teachers attended to the learning activity date, for example invitation to the learning activity, request to feedback attempt, if it is connected to the learning activity.
Printing of documents Printing provided by module PrintToPdfMod Available in Timetable Participants list Certificate print after appointment approving For every learning activity date is possible to print participation list or certificates for attended users.
Reports List of attended employees on learning activities Employee education Summaries of trained employees Expenses for employee education Timetable can build reports from all dates of learning activities, for example list of attended users on learning activities, all education of user provided by institution and few types of summaries which are exported as expenses for employee education for HR.
External plugins used with Timetable Courssum Learning plan PrintPDFMod Timetable uses external plugins developed by Financial administration academy, for example Courssum, Learning plan and PrintPDFMod.
Courssum Courssum is the learning activities catalogue, where can all employees found all information about education provided by Financial Administration of Slovak Republic. As you see, here are all learning activities separated to the categories, and here is description of learning activity with dates, where may users do attending.
Learning plan Learning plan has been developed as activity module to create and print learning plans according to a prescribed template by law. All planed learning activities can be connected to a Timetable learning activity dates.
PrintPDFMod Local module for generating PDF printing documents: Timetable participant lists Learning plans Timetable certificates Feedback attempts Quiz attempts Local module PrintPDFMod generates PDF documents from other activity modules. The Financial administration needs some outputs as documents in the prescribed form, then the templates for documents must be predefined by HTML, for example: timetable participant list, certificates, learning plans, feedback attempts, quiz attempts.
Thank you. Mgr. Lukáš Čelinák If you have any questions please ask, i will try to answer.