January 21-25 World History Spring 2013
Progress Report Participation Rubric: 1st, 3rd, and 5th 50 pts. per week (200 Test pts. Total per progress report) Points will be deducted for the following (per incident) Tardy -10 Unexcused absence -10 Disruptive behaviors/cellphone infractions -20
Progress Report Participation Rubric: 4th and 6th 20 pts. per week (100 Test pts. total per progress report) Points will be deducted for the following (per incident) Tardy -5 Unexcused absence -5 Disruptive behaviors/cellphone infractions -10
11: Wednesday, January 23 Notebook Check (Day 1-9) Reminder: Some days you may not have a notebook page (Day 5 & 6) I will only check your notebook ONCE per grade check. That means when I get to you, I’m checking it then and only then. If you don’t have it, then…well, you know.
11: Wednesday, January 23 Notebook Check Scavenger Hunt (11) Ch. 17 & Internet Homework: Read Ch. 17 Sec. 1 & 2 Our next test will be next Tuesday on Ch. 17 only
Friday: Homework/Reading Check Ch. 17 Sec. 1 12: Thursday, January 24 Notebook Check Activity: “The Renaissance: Who Was the Greatest?” Complete Chart/Debate Vocab./Identify Ch. 17 Sec. 1 Homework: Read Ch. 17 Sec. 2 Friday: Homework/Reading Check Ch. 17 Sec. 1
12: Ch. 17 Sec. 1 Identify/Vocab. Terms People Renaissance The Medici family Humanism Cosimo de Medici Secular Lorenzo de Medici Patron Baldassare Castiglione Perspective Isabella d’Este vernacular Michelangelo Donatello Leonardo da Vinci Raphael Sofanisba Anguissola Petrarch Giovanni Boccaccio Niccolo Machiavelli Vittoria Colonna
Copy this chart on 12 Name Specialty Personal Details Key Works Why was this man a “genius”? Michelangelo Raphael Leonardo Brunelleschi Galileo
4th and 6th Digital Portfolios If you did NOT follow directions, get caught up NOW. Assignment 5: Take your choice of “genius” from the chart and explain your choice through the use of a Web 2.0 app of your choosing. Due Monday. Please make sure I have your correct URL. Some of you did not follow directions on naming your portfolio.
13: Friday, January 25 Ch. 17 Sec. 1 Review Ch. 17 Notes/Questions Current Event Homework/Reading Check Ch. 17 Sec. 1 Homework: Read Ch. 17 Sec. 2-4 (Label this 13): Make a list of all the people and terms from section 2-4 that is listed in the textbook. Pick 20 to identify for homework due MONDAY.
13: Ch. 17 Sec. 1 What caused people to begin to question institutions of the Middle Ages, such as the Church? Where did the Renaissance begin? Why did it start there? How did the Crusades and bubonic plague affect the development of Italian city-states? Which class/profession dominated politics in Italy?
13: Ch. 17 Sec. 1 How were expectations for Renaissance men and Renaissance women similar? (p. 476) Does Machiavelli think that a prince should prefer to be loved or feared? Why?