Welcome to Forensic Science Mr. Willert- Room 213
Do Now Create an item from the play dough that represents something about you.
Parent Form → Please get your parent / guardian to sign off on the class permission form. → It informs them of some of our topics → Return on Thursday!
Objective: “My goal in this course is to help you discover an area of forensics you find interesting and may consider pursuing it further”
Student Resume Fill out the student resume to the best of your abilities, turn in when complete 10 Minutes
How this Classroom Works
Classroom Rules Follow all directions and Northtown Academy policies. No food or drink is to leave the cafeteria or be brought into the classroom Be seated before the bell rings with all the daily required materials. No cell phones or electronics out in the classroom. Note rules on the wall
Cell Phone Classroom Plan Cell phones must be on silent, or off in a pocket or purse. Cell phones will not be used in class beyond academic purposes, by teacher discretion. Cell phones must be put away (off desk and out of sight) when asked the first time.
Safety is not negotiable! Forensic Lab Plan Safety is not negotiable! Rules: *Follow directions both written & verbal. Positive: *We do labs. Consequences: *You receive a zero for the day. *You will not participate in labs until safety rules reviewed *This is in addition to the schools behavior management policies.
Absent It is your responsibility to see me upon your return Make-up work – 1 day for 1 day absent Exception: Labs must be made up within 1 Week
Remember… Take responsibility for your education and remember not to interfere with another student’s education. Take responsibility for your grade today, the end of the quarter is too late.
Neil deGrasse Tyson -Scientific Literacy & Curiosity