Mitosis-Cell Division
Interphase Stages Of Mitosis G1 M G2 S Interphase - The in between stage - Originally metaphase was thought to be a resting stage now we know that this is the stage most cells spend their time in doing the things that cells do and, if they are preparing to divide, growing and replicating their DNA Interphase G1 M G2 S
Stages Of Mitosis Prophase - The beginning phase - DNA which was unraveled and spread all over the nucleus is condensed and packaged Metaphase - Middle stage - Condensed chromosomes line up along the equator of the cell Anaphase - One copy of each chromosome moves to each pole of the cell Telophase - End stage - New nuclear membranes are formed around the chromosomes and cytokinesis (cytoplasm division) occurs resulting in two daughter cells
Stages Of Mitosis Mother cell Nucleus with un-condensed chromosomes Interphase Nucleus with un-condensed chromosomes Prophase Condensed chromosomes Equator of the cell Metaphase Disappearing nuclear membrane Anaphase Poles of the cell Two daughter cells Mitotic spindle Telophase
Chromosomes, Chromatids and Centromeres A packaged chromosome Chromatid Identical chromatid Replication Anaphase Chromosome arm Two identical chromosomes Centromere Chromosome arm