Annual Staff Survey Results - 2007
Process 600 random sample 56% response rate Compared RNOH 2007 with Acute Trusts across London
Avg. across Acute Trusts Work Life Balance RNOH 2007 RNOH 2006 Avg. across Acute Trusts % working extra hours 68% 75% 71% Quality of work life balance (Trust & manager commitment) 3.34 3.27 % using flexible working options 66%
Appraisal, Learning & Development RNOH 2007 RNOH 2006 Avg. across Acute Trusts % appraised within previous 12 months 70% 63% % having well structured appraisal review 32% 27% % appraised with PDPs in last 12 months 59% 51% 54% % receiving job-relevant training, L&D 73% 74% 75%
Breakdown by group – Staff appraised in last 12 months Nurses M&D AHPs S&T A&C Central/ Corp. 66% 78% 93% 76% 59% 89% 117 24 56 19 64 18
Team working, supervision, communication, staff involvement RNOH 2007 RNOH 2006 Avg. across Acute Trusts % working in a well-structured team environment 45% 48% 39% Quality of job design (clear goals, f/b, participating in decision-making) 3.42 3.32 3.36 Support from immediate managers (guidance, f/b, listened to) 3.54 3.30 3.57 Extent of +ve feeling within orgn. (comm, involvement, innovation, patient care) 2.94 n/a 2.86
Breakdown by group – Support from immediate managers Nurses M&D AHPs S&T A&C Central/Corp. 3.43 3.18 3.46 3.67 3.48 117 24 56 19 64 18
Avg. across Acute Trusts Safety at Work RNOH 2007 RNOH 2006 Avg. across Acute Trusts % having H&S training in prev. 12 months 65% 64% % suffering work-related injury in prev. 12 months 18% 24% 19% % suffering work-related stress in prev. 12 months 31% 37% 34% % witnessing potentially harmful errors 36% 40%
Avg. across Acute Trusts Safety at Work RNOH 2007 RNOH 2006 Avg. across Acute Trusts % reporting errors, near misses, incidents 88% 92% 94% Fairness & effectiveness of procedures for reporting errors etc. (climate & culture of reporting, aware of procedure, encouraged?, fair & confidential, re-occurrence) 3.37 % experiencing physical violence from patients/relatives 3% 4% 10% % experiencing physical violence from staff 1% 2%
Avg. across Acute Trusts Safety at Work RNOH 2007 RNOH 2006 Avg. across Acute Trusts % experiencing harassment/bullying from patients/relatives 17% 22% 26% % experiencing harassment/bullying from staff 24% Perceptions of effective action from Trust towards bullying & harassment 3.49 n/a Availability of hand washing materials 4.48 4.52 4.34
Breakdown by group – Experienced bullying or harassment by staff Nurses M&D AHPs S&T A&C Central/Corp. 31% 9% 21% 42% 22% 28% 117 24 56 19 64 18
Avg. across Acute Trusts Staff Attitudes RNOH 2007 RNOH 2006 Avg. across Acute Trusts Staff job satisfaction 3.41 3.34 3.38 Work pressure felt by staff 3.07 3.18 3.15 Staff intention to leave jobs 2.76 2.75 2.74
Feeling Valued/Care of Patients RNOH 2007 RNOH 2006 Nationally - 2007 Care of patients is RNOH’s top priority 60% agree 17% disagree 62% agreed 14% disagreed 46% agree 25% disagree Satisfied with recognition for good work 43% agree 29% disagree 38% agreed 36% disagreed 40% agreed 30% disagreed
Our organisation RNOH 2007 RNOH 2006 Nationally - 2007 Comm. bet. sen. mgrs. & staff is effective 27% agree 45% disagree n/a 23% agree 48% disagree Sen. mgrs. encourage staff ideas for improving services 41% agree 32% disagree 33% agree 37% disagree Different parts of Trust communicate effectively 24% agree 44% disagree 26% agreed 44% disagreed 17% agree 46% disagree
What we’ve done so far … Trebled the number of contact officers Relaunched B&H policy Raised profile/improved reporting of appraisals Held focus groups on values Established HR Skills for Managers course
Key issues Still high incidence of bullying & harassment Staff experiencing work-related stress Perceptions of effective action re incidents, bullying & harassment … what next?