1. For a publicity stunt to promote a popular children’s TV show, an entertainment company’s engineers must design a static hoist to suspend Bernard the Boisterous Elephant 20-ft in the air. Determine the tension that cables AO, BO, and CO must be able to withstand to keep 250-lb Bernard from falling down onto his adoring crowd. (0,-4,3) (4.5,6,10) CO BO (-2,0,0) AO 250 lb
2. Determine the force in AB, BE and DE and indicate whether the members are in tension or compression. 400 N 3 m 800 N 400 N A B C D E CD 26.565° CB 800 N DE = 800 N T DB = 800 N C DE CD = 800 N DB DB = 800 N CB = 894.4 N BE 26.565° 26.565° 26.565° AB
3. Draw the shear and moment diagrams for the beam 3. Draw the shear and moment diagrams for the beam. Please notice that the support reactions are given. w = 300 lb/ft 180 ft lb 9 ft 4.5 ft 430 lb 920 lb V (lb) 430 M 5.079 -920 x V M (ft lb) 430 1456 -180
4. Given that the tension in cables BC and BD are 5 kN each, find the applied load P at the end of the pipe. (-2,0,3) 5 kN (2,0,3) 5 kN (0,1,1) Az P Ay Ax Ax = 0 Ay = 3.33 kN Az = -4.849 kN
5. Determine the smallest lever force P needed to prevent the wheel from rotating if it is subjected to a torque M = 500 Nm. The coefficient of static friction between the belt and the wheel is µs = 0.4. The wheel is pin-connected at its center, B. Ay By Bx Ax 500 Nm T1 T2 T2 P
6. Determine the x and y coordinates of the centroid of the shaded area shown below. Dimensions are in mm. [Hint: It is necessary to determine the point where the line and parabola intersect.] 20 mm
7. The gate shown is 8 m wide. Determine the reaction at the smooth support at A and the reactions at the pin at B. Water has density of 1.0 Mg/m3. w = 392.4 kN/m By Bx w = 706.3 kN/m Ay
8. Given that Ixy = -12.96 X 106 mm4 determine the principal moments of inertia of the shaded area with respect to the centroidal x-y axes. Also specify the angle from the x-axis to the maximum principal moment of inertia. Maximum Principal Axis 8.7°