YOUTHPASS 8 Key competences & SALTO TC Unemployment 7-13.06.2009 Guimaraes, Portugal
Youthpass (YP) Tool of validation and recognition and official certificate validiting and recognising gained key competences within the non-formal learning within the Youth in Action programme.
Strategic aims Instruments should be developed in a way that takes full account of three essential elements involved: Reflection on individual non-formal learning process Social recognition of youth work Employability of young people and youth workers YP is based on self-reflection and dialogue about learning
WHOM IS YP ADDRESSED Action 1.1 - Youth exchange Every participants of approved project of YiA (actions below) is entitled to receive YP: Action 1.1 - Youth exchange Action 2 - European voluntary service Action 3.1 Action 4.3 – training course For the future is planned implementation of YP also for other actions of YiA.
Who is responsible for issuing YP The project promoting organisation is responsible for informing and issuing of YP as well as for supporting the participants to assess their non-formal learning experiences
HOW TO CREATE YP it is good to start creating your YP right at the beginning of your project there is a multi-language website where you can find how to create your YP
Webpage of YP
YP action 4.3 – 1. page Personal data General description Logo and signature Identification number
YP action 4.3 – 2. page Learning aims Information about participants Trainers Main activities
YP action 4.3 – 3. page Participant´s reflection towards particular key competences
Key Competences Key competences represent a transferable, multifunctional package of knowledge, skills and attitudes that all individuals need for personal fulfilment and development, active citizenship social inclusion and employment.
8 Key Competences for Lifelong learning Communication in mother tongue Communication in foreign languages Mathematical and basic competence in science and technology Digital competence Learning to learn Social and civic competence Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship Cultural awareness and expression
Possible effects of Youthpass
What and how will now happen in our training related to key competences and youthpass? Everyday half an hour reflection on own learning process and results; Reflection through the lens of 8 key competence Support of trainer(s) Individual assessment of overall learning result and assessment together with a trainer YouthPass!!!
Why we do it here? We want to: encourage you to work on your own key competences; use it as a model while working with competences in your activities, with your target group Be able to support learning assesment of your target group