Expectations of the Waldorf Curriculum in the Middle & High School with Eugene Schwartz, millenialchild.com Online Conference for Waldorf-inspired Homeschoolers
Grades 6 & 7 can be tough as a teacher *Don’t take it personal *It happens everywhere: in schools, and homeschools *children waking up earlier Online Conference for Waldorf-inspired Homeschoolers
*We should hear or see the opposite Child age 12 *Child starts feeling toddler-like “I can do it myself” *They start to push parents/teachers away *We should hear or see the opposite Online Conference for Waldorf-inspired Homeschoolers
Online Conference for Waldorf-inspired Homeschoolers
At this age, the child needs resistance *To build their emotional & intelligences muscles, they need an adult to push against *Can be challenging for parent, but is necessary Online Conference for Waldorf-inspired Homeschoolers
As teachers, we must increase the challenges *give more challenging work/assignments *moving through material faster *speak faster Online Conference for Waldorf-inspired Homeschoolers
Online Conference for Waldorf-inspired Homeschoolers
6th grade *starts geometric drawing with a compass to find the center *From this moment on, you have an inner circle- you have a center point *Now you start from within; material going forward meets this Online Conference for Waldorf-inspired Homeschoolers
6th grade = Conformity *This age they are looking for a group to “conform” to (team sports) *Better to do it now with adults still supervising *Powerful to experience Rome’s conformity & then decline Online Conference for Waldorf-inspired Homeschoolers
They need to take their “first steps” into life Online Conference for Waldorf-inspired Homeschoolers
Waldorf creates love of learning Online Conference for Waldorf-inspired Homeschoolers
Puberty = physical changes Adolescence = inner life *Physical happening faster now, but inner changes not. *Waldorf curriculum helps balance this process Online Conference for Waldorf-inspired Homeschoolers
*Renaissance- master painters enthusiasm; something they can’t stop 7th grade needs balance *Curriculum uses algebra as a chance to balance *Physics: simple machines the lever the pulley *Renaissance- master painters enthusiasm; something they can’t stop Online Conference for Waldorf-inspired Homeschoolers
8th grade is like a pendulum *Curriculum brings Fibonacci series that is a progression that governs all life *Chart to show relationship of numbers to each other- looks like wild swings that mirror the child’s moods and activities until it evens out *Revolutions- all about wild swings and fosters rebellious spirits Online Conference for Waldorf-inspired Homeschoolers
9th grade- up *High School Curriculum is a recapitulation of grade school *Now it is brought on an intellectual level *Spirals around but with more sophistication Online Conference for Waldorf-inspired Homeschoolers
Steiner created only through 7 grade at first *Students asked for it *Steiner only sketched out *Gives much more leeway & creativity Online Conference for Waldorf-inspired Homeschoolers
Can I teach Waldorf High School? *Visit a few Waldorf High School and observe classes *Can I as a parent meet them on an intellectual level? *Is moving a possibility to find a Waldorf High School? *Public school with Waldorf enrichment *Waldorf High School online Online Conference for Waldorf-inspired Homeschoolers
Eugene Schwartz http://iwaldorf.com/homeschool.html Get a 50% discount on Online Conferences (thru June 30) Online Conference for Waldorf-inspired Homeschoolers