Performance of biohybrid actuators and comparison with fully artificial counterparts. Performance of biohybrid actuators and comparison with fully artificial counterparts. (A) Actuator force output versus its overall size. (B) Plotting of both artificial and biohybrid actuators in terms of stress produced versus relative stroke. Few references are reported in brackets for biohybrid actuators. (C) Plotting of artificial actuators and natural muscle in terms of power/weight ratio versus actuator efficiency (4). (D) Mass/power ratio, which takes into account both actuator and power source mass, versus actuator autonomous operation time. Some artificial actuation technologies are compared with natural muscle, assuming no periodical feeding (red line) and periodical autonomous feeding (blue line). Data in (C) and (D) reprinted from (4) with permission from Wiley. (E) Lifetimes of “general-purpose” biohybrid actuators reported in the literature for the different categories analyzed in this paper. Leonardo Ricotti et al. Sci. Robotics 2017;2:eaaq0495 Copyright © 2017 The Authors, some rights reserved; exclusive licensee American Association for the Advancement of Science. No claim to original U.S. Government Works