Head Lineman & Line Judge Before the Snap Tony Dutton
H R B U L Position wide, off the field. Count players your sideline. Indicate offensive line of scrimmage. L Press Box
Neutral zone (2-17): Established when the ball is ready for play and is resting on the ground with its long axis at right angles to the scrimmage line. Exists until a change of Possession, kick crosses neutral zone or ball declared dead.
Substitutions (3-5) No incoming substitute may enter the field or end zone while the ball is in play. No player, in excess of 11, may leave the field or end zone while the ball is in play. An incoming substitute must enter the field of play directly from his team area. A player leaving must depart at the sideline nearest his team area. A replaced player must leave immediately (leave the huddle or his position within 3 seconds). Substitutes who become players must remain in the game for one play (except between periods, after a score, or charged time out.
9-Yard Marks 7-1-3-b A Team A substitute must have been between the 9-yard marks after the ready for play and before the snap. A Team A player who participated in the previous down must have been between the 9-yard marks after the previous down and before the snap. All Team A players must have been the 9-yard marks after a time out or the end of a period.
Team A More than 11 3-5-3-a Team A may not break the huddle with more than 11 players nor; Keep more than 11 in the huddle or formation for more than 3 seconds. Officials should stop the action whether the ball has been snapped or not(dead-ball foul).
Team B More than 11 3-5-3-b Team B may not have more than 11 in its formation if the snap is imminent. Stop the action whether the snap is imminent or has just occurred (dead-ball foul). If excessive number (Team A or B) not detected until during or after the down, treat as live-ball foul (3-5-3-c).
Eligible Pass Receivers 7-3-3 Two requirements for Team A players to be eligible: Wearing a number other than 50-79 and Either on the end of the line of scrimmage or in the backfield.
Offensive Players On the line of scrimmage more that 7 yards from middle lineman or; In the backfield outside the tackle box or; In motion: May block below the waist only north-south or toward adjacent sideline.
Green: Not restricted; May block below the waist. Red: May block below the waist only long north-south line or toward adjacent sideline.
On Line of Scrimmage (2-27-4-a) Lineman on the line of scrimmage when: Faces opponent’s goal with Shoulders approximately parallel, and Head breaks the plane of the line through the snapper’s waist.
30° shoulders are “approximately” parallel to goal line
Player 75 has an advantage pulling or pass blocking Player 75 has an
Back (2-27-4-d) Team A player (not a lineman); Whose head or body; Does not break the plane of the line through the waistline of the nearest Team A lineman.
Legal Formation 7-1-4-a At the snap Team A’s formation must meet these requirements: All players in bounds. All players must be either linemen or backs. At least 5 linemen numbered 50-79, except for scrimmage kick formation. (U) No more than 4 players may be backs.
Quick Rush to Line of Scrimmage 3-5-2-e Key requirements: Process of substitution or simulated substitution. Quick rush to line by offense; Obvious attempt to create defensive disadvantage. Game officials will not permit snap until B has made substitutions; Team B must react promptly with substitutions.
False Start (7-1-2-b) Simulating the beginning of a play. Team A never stopping for one-second before snap. Restricted lineman moving hand(s) or making any quick movement (except when threatened). Ways to be restricted lineman (2-27-4): Wear a number 50-79 anywhere on the line; Wear any number and not be positioned on the end of the line; Hands are below the knees.
A.R. 7-1-3-VI Simulating the Start of a Play A80 on the end of the line, a nonrestricted interior lineman or a back, misses the snap count and makes a casual movement that is not abrupt, quick or jerky and does not simulate the start of a play. RULING: No foul by Team A.
Not a False Start (7-1-2-b-3 Exception) It is not a false start if a Team lineman immediately reacts when threatened by a Team B player in the neutral zone. Note: Before the snap a Team B player who enters the neutral zone may threaten a maximum of three Team A linemen. (A.R. 7-1-3-V)
A.R. 7-1-3-V 54 61 79 78 Number 79 threatens 54, 61, and 78 5 0
A.R. 7-1-3-V 54 61 79 78 Number 79 threatens 61 and 78 5 0
Offensive Encroachment Once the snapper is established (2-27-8: takes position behind ball and touches or simulates touching the ball – hand(s) at or below knees); No other Team A player may be in or beyond the neutral zone. 2 Exceptions: Substitutes and departing players. Players in scrimmage kick formation pointing at opponents.
Abrupt Actions by Defensive Players on the Line (7-1-5-4) [Defensive] players aligned in a stationary position within one yard of the line of scrimmage: May not make quick or abrupt actions that are not part of normal defensive movement. Dead-ball foul.
Head Lineman & Line Judge Before the Snap Tony Dutton
H R B U L Position wide, off the field. Count players your sideline. Indicate offensive line of scrimmage. L Press Box
9-Yard Marks 7-1-3-b A Team A substitute must have been between the 9-yard marks after the ready for play and before the snap. A Team A player who participated in the previous down must have been between the 9-yard marks after the previous down and before the snap. All Team A players must have been the 9-yard marks after a time out or the end of a period.
Defense Offside No [defensive] player may cross the neutral zone and without making contact continue his charge toward any back. Dead-ball foul (7-1-5-a-5). No [defensive] player may be in or beyond the neutral zone at the snap. Live-ball foul at the snap (7-1-5-1).
A.R.7-1-5-III Before the snap, a Team B player crosses the neutral zone and continues his charge behind a Team A lineman and directly toward the quarterback or kicker. RULING: A Team B player who is on Team A’s side of the neutral zone and is moving in a direct path toward the quarterback or kicker while he is behind an offensive lineman is considered to be interfering with Team A’s formation. Penalty—Team B foul, offside. Dead ball. Five yards from succeeding spot
Legal Snap (2-23) Handing or passing the ball backward from its position on the ground; Quick and continuous motion of hand(s); Ball actually leaving the hand(s); If the ball slips during backward motion, it is a backward pass and remains in play. Ball remains dead if the snap is not legal.
Interference with Ball or Snapper (7-1-5-a-1) Defensive player may not touch the ball except when the ball is moved illegally (ball remains dead). Defensive player may not contact or interfere with an opponent in any way before the snap.
A.R. 7-1-5-I Snapper A1 lifts the ball before backward passing it. B2 bats the ball away, and B3 recovers the ball. RULING: Team A foul, illegal snap. Penalty-Five yards from succeeding spot. Team A retains possession.
A.R. 7-1-5-II Snapper A1 legally begins the snap, but B2 bats the ball before A1 completes the snap, and B3 recovers the ball. RULING: Team B foul and the ball remains dead. Penalty-Five yards from the succeeding spot. Team A retains possession.
Man in Motion (7-4-1-b) One back may be in motion at the snap but not toward opponent’s goal line. Player may not start in motion from the line of scrimmage unless he becomes a back and comes to a complete stop. Player in motion must have satisfied one-second shift rule. Illegal motion. Live-ball foul at the snap.
85 84 Legally goes in motion but not toward B’s goal line. 85 may not go in motion from the line of scrimmage
85 85 85 may become a back, come to a complete stop, and then legally go in motion.
Shift Definition (2-22) : A simultaneous change of position or stance by two or more offensive players after the ready and before the snap. Rule (7-1-2-a) : After a huddle or shift and before the snap, all Team A players must come to an absolute stop and remain in their positions for at least one full second before the snap. Illegal shift. Live-ball foul at the snap.
85 84 85 85 becomes a back, comes to a complete stop, then goes in motion. While he is in motion, 84 moves to the line.