A conversation with rising 6th graders about what’s on their minds. Moving on up! A conversation with rising 6th graders about what’s on their minds.
Last year your child was at the top of the school…now they are the new kids on the block. A conversation with your child can go along way to help them cope with the big stressors of beginning middle school.
The 6 top concerns of rising 6th graders Changing Classes-getting lost and not getting there in time. Solutions-Teachers are always in the hall at class transition time. During the first couple of weeks they expect to help you find your way and know you might be a minute or two late Gold Star! -The open house is a perfect time to walk your schedule. Over the summer study the map of the school and mark your path.
School Map
Lockers-finding them, opening them… Solution-On day one you will get your locker assignment. Teachers keep a list of who has what locker. Gold Star- get a pair of locks this summer and practice! Nothing relieves anxiety like mastery. Parents, keep the lock combination in your wallet incase you get that phone call. Teachers do keep the combinations and give them to the Assistant Principal.(If all else fails we have bolt cutters). Safety-Teach your child now, never share their lock combination with anyone. Its just best practice. Finally a nurses note-slow down and be aware of those swinging doors! I see bumped heads and pinched fingers every year.
What if the work is too hard or there is too much homework? Solution-You have been accepted into a program where academics are meant to challenge . You will be up to the task if you, keep education a priority stay organized don’t procrastinate It is much easier to keep up than catch up! There are many ways staff can help you succeed, tutoring, organization skills and more. Gold Star-Parents, make sure your child is getting enough sleep, eats breakfast before school and is not over scheduled. Encourage them to speak up when they need help.
What about bullies? Solutions- Our school has zero tolerance for bullying. All reports are thoroughly investigated. Reports can be filled out on line and in the guidance office. What happens on the bus does not stay on the bus! Standards of conduct for the bus are the same as in school and any incident will be dealt with accordingly. Gold Star- Remind your child that what they see on TV shows is not reality. Ask them how much attention they paid to the first graders in their old school? 8th graders are happy to be 8th graders and are beginning to worry about high school and 7th graders are happy that they know what's going on this year. They aren’t thinking about 6th graders.
More Gold Parents, instill in them the importance of self respect and respect for others. Not everyone will be their best friend but they should treat everyone with respect. Safety- Encourage them to speak up if they are in any situations that makes them uncomfortable. And know they have many people to talk to at school, teachers, guidance, school nurse, administration, resource officer, we all want the best and safest environment for your child to learn and grow.
What if I don’t know anybody or have anyone to eat lunch with? Soultions-Put it in perspective. EVERYONE IS IN THE SAME BOAT! This is such a short lived problem. The way our program works the students interact so much they will know each other in no time at all. Make eye contact, say “hi” and yes don’t forget the deodorant! Gold Star- Parents-reassure your child that they’re a great kid and they will make friends! Ask them to tell you the names of three people they met everyday for the first week.
Changing clothes in front of each other in PE. Solution- This is one of those everyone is in the same boat things again! There is no time to worry about what other people are doing. There are always some bathroom stalls available. Gold Star- Parents, remind your child that when they change they are still covered, much like a bathing suit. Of course make sure they don’t forget their undergarments and one more time…deodorant!
Thank you and here’s to a wonderful new beginning in the 2015-2016 school year Paulette Zellonis RN,BSN School nurse